kevin browne

Blessed In The Belief.

Blessed in the belief that\'s real for a need
Unblessed for the intentions of our greed
I\'ll shine my light where light has never been
You\'ll hide away the Universe if it\'s never seen
We\'ll flame up the Earth with what we all cost
A plague of intrinsic devotions we\'re lost
To beggar a loss in this life as it appears
I\'m quite warmed to letting go of my tears
Let\'s quench the thirst that turned our eyes dry
For rivers run high and we\'ve all wondered why?
A scratch on the Moon started smiling one day
For the accumulation of what wealth had to say 
Boiling hot oceanic elements have toasted us out
Fried up in revenge the day we lost our doubts
Be a master of mind to see what you can lose 
Leave everything behind if that\'s what you choose
Love is for a living and that goes right from the start
Without saying a word delightful fell totally apart
If we whisper at midnight and scream at the Sun
Life brightens up and it\'s a new life you have won
I\'ll kiss you a flower then allow the snowdrops to reign
Because it\'s impossible sometimes to do things again.