


Each step she took felt like leaded weights were attached to her legs.

She Stopped suddenly
as her heart beat frantically in her chest, she tried to catch her breath

There she stood, body shaking with dread
Her mind screaming the thoughts she couldn\'t udder aloud

Don\'t go!
Why are you putting yourself through this?
You\'re fine!
What will they think of you?
It will hurt too much!

There were so many other things she rather do
So many things she rather face then this

Like getting all her teeth pulled out without Novocaine
Swimming in crocodile infested waters
Or even facing a firing squad
Anything. Anything at all would be better than this.

Using the last of her determination, and
trying desperately to quiet the thoughts in her head

She took the last few steps towards the door and knocked.
Then Entered once she heard the quiet \"Come In.\"

Sighing with shoulders slumped and the last of her pride gone.

She softly spoke. \" I... I can\'t do this. I can\'t do this on my own. I need Help!\"