Poetae Opus


A myriad of dreams flows,

Upon my future,


But I’m still reluctant,

To take such a prize,

That has been set up;


Is it such a resistance,

To acknowledge my true self,

I would rather hide

In my sloth?


Is it such a pressure,

To get it all done that,

I know not when,

Will it be the next post?



What my body can conceal is,

The present of a dreadful night,


In which,

Purple ghosts gamble

On my room’s table,

And figure out what task would

Come next;



My sweat is of a thirsty worker,

Whose hands compress,

The labor of a better life,


In which,

Salt & water give birth

Another minute for,

A nostalgia,

That is written

On a dusty scroll;


Yet God remains on his Throne,

Expecting me to find,

The key of the Light;


He longs to make some music thereof,


If he could dance,

Everyone would be a believer.