in the dark

dusk arising



it was a dream
i was walking in the dark
lost, searching
you came to me
through the darkness
took my hand
walked out of my darkness

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  • Goldfinch60

    Super write, there is somebody out there for us all to walk them into the light.

    • dusk arising

      Thanks G ... it was spooky in there.

    • Michael Edwards

      Lovely piece dusk

    • orchidee

      A fine write dusk. Was it me? Did I come along with a torch?
      Can't see much point in two people walking together in the dark. Dunno where they'll end up. Can't see a thing!
      Yet there can be spiritual meaning in 'going through the darkness together'.

      • dusk arising

        Yes O, it was definitely a spiritual darkness.

      • sylviasearcher

        I used to have a recurring dream that I was in an endless dark tunnel my only company were the rats. None ever came. But the dream stopped.

        I think it helped me see that only I could find a way out.

        Your poem reminded me of those dreams.

        It is a hopeful poem. Reaching out.

        • dusk arising

          I was probably one of those rats. Thank you for taking time to read and comment.

          • sylviasearcher

            Well the rats did not mean me any harm...

          • Heartwriter

            Dusk you moved much in few words. Loved it!

            • dusk arising

              Yes short pieces can be so punchy cant they. This piece wrote its self quite suddenly. I struggled with the penultimate line .... the temptation was to make it longer 'and we walked' etc.
              Pleased you liked it, thanks for commenting.

              • Heartwriter

                Your welcome. I have a difficult time writing short ones.

              • Poetic Dan

                Got a friend who I truly did this with, thanks for sharing buddy.

                • dusk arising

                  Pleases me that u can relate to this, i'm still waiting.

                  • Poetic Dan

                    Not many can go the depths of our true inner darkness and she came out of nowhere. I was shocked as it's not even the one I'm sharing everything (partner) with, it was her friend but it truly made me question 'love' as it was my ladys best friend.

                    I hope this starts to manifest that hand, as I was reminded today of one of my first posts in 2015 when I was at my cliff edge and alone.
                    Now I connect with so many great soul that the darkness has become but a haze.

                    I believe this for anyone who writes this way

                    Much love and respect

                  • Neville

                    dont'cha just love dreams like that.. sometimes they are just so good... we have a little cracker here sir..... N

                  • Suresh

                    In the moment, being enveloped in darkness, a day will come, when I'll be guided by or at least see the light at the end of the tunnel...

                    Thnx for this guiding write.

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