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A spider in the fire light
weaves a solemn web

Cue the drumbeat, slow and steady...

Now the bass...

Bring up the volume...


'In death, breath no longer has meaning'

Increase volume on the bass...

'In life, it is the essence of being'

Cue the trumpet, slow and mournful...

'In sleep, we walk in both worlds and exist in neither'

Cue the second trumpet, softly echoing the first...

'Some men paint their dreams'

Slow fade out...

'Others, their nightmares'

Screen fades to black and music stops...

'What will you paint in the hours before dawn'

Five second pause...

Switch off...

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Comments +


  • Noah Malice

    the atmosphere is a vibe

    • Coyote


    • dusk arising

      Love the format, the idea, and the excellence of the whole.
      Really good stuff, original. Envious of your creative mind.

      • Coyote

        Thank you!๐Ÿ™‚

      • Accidental Poet

        I somehow found myself stuck on these words,
        "'Some men paint their dreams'
        Slow fade out...
        'Others, their nightmares'"...
        Brilliant Coyote. ๐Ÿ‘

        • Coyote

          Thank you AP๐Ÿ™‚

          • Coyote

            Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

          • The elder poet

            WOW! this is awesome. I write simple poems. You take them to another .level . Thank you for sharing .

            • Coyote

              Thank you for the awesome comment AP๐Ÿ™‚

              • The elder poet

                Thank you for sharing your work.

              • Doggerel Dave

                All of the above C, and then some....

                You aren't leaving us to write for the stage, are you? Been there, done that?,,,..disclose!

                • Coyote

                  LOL, nah Dave. I'm much too lazy to write for a living, even if the stage would have me. Thanks for the kind words๐Ÿ™‚

                • L. B. Mek

                  you're Awesome!
                  thank you, for allowing us to witness
                  your poetic genius

                  • Coyote

                    I'm humbled! Thank you soooooo much!

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