Set Your Mind Free✌🕊


Sitting in the dark
When just a little spark
From the corner of my eye
It's just outside my window
I'm rattled lightning nimble
As it bursts into a million fireflies
Come all my friends
Let's see where this journey ends
Join in and let your spirit fly
Let your heart soar
Close your eyes to see
Let your soul roar
And set your mind free.

Floating like the moon
between the earth and sun
rocket my body to sub-space
my safe place
where no thoughts can be heard
and my mind relaxes entirely

It's just outside my window
Way up in the sky
Come on and let your spirit fly high

To a mind that seems caged
To a mind that seems closed
Dear mind there are no doors
Open your heart
Let the mind venture like a child
Choosing its crayons
Let it scribble on wall
Let it fly high
Don’t chain it by brazen norms
Let it run through the streets
Choosing its own book
Choosing its own style
For heavens’ sake let it be free
Let it juggle on streets
Dance to its own tune
To the free mind
Be what you want to be

Let your mind be free
It's not to be caged like a beast
Let it be a child
and go a little wild
find and choose its own style
Life is short,have a feast
Feed your mind with self love and self respect
wash it down self awareness and a little self reflect
And desert shall be served at three
See you all there with Josehine

Darkness inside consuming me,
Hidden are my thoughts which I can’t let go,
Afraid I am, to be judged.
Reading my own thoughts million times,
Cursing myself, inside I am.
Happiness, that disappeared a long time back,
In pain, am locking my mind within,
Keys to which are no where to be found,
And am still waiting for someone to break in…

When it seems locked
When it seems caged
I look at the sky
For sunlight to deep inside
Deeper are the wounds
Broken is the heart
Broken is the soul
But through it the glimmer of hope shall shine
The mind not controlled by contours shall open as vast sky
My wishes like doves shall fly high
Colouring the rainbow in sky
In rain it shall choose grey
In storms black it shall paint
No contours
No boundaries to chain my mind
None shall lend a hand
The inside shall cure itself
Depending on the breathe inside
And the cheers of million cell inside
My mind shall be rejoiced
Shall cheer others mind

If I could just unravel the mysteries of my mind
Within the silhouettes of beauties passing time
Their femininity
Such beauty to behold
With such transformation to be told
Such an angel If I could only find
Would release me from my mind

Million thoughts inside my tiny brain,
Waiting to be spread around.
Comes till my mouth, but my tongue doesn’t move.
Will be happy even if I could make a mere stutter…
Read many motivational quotes everywhere,
It did motivate me, at that moment,
But inside I am, afraid,
A fear to be judged, deep inside..
I know, successful ones, come only after battling this fear,
A fear to allow myself to make a mere stutter..
Introvert? Is that how you name me?

Million thoughts inside my tiny brain,
Waiting to be spread around.
Comes till my mouth, but my tongue doesn’t move.
Will be happy even if I could make a mere stutter…
Read many motivational quotes everywhere,
It did motivate me, at that moment,
But inside I am, afraid,
A fear to be judged, deep inside..
I know, successful ones, come only after battling this fear,
A fear to allow myself to make a mere stutter..
Introvert? Is that how you name me?


  • Authors: W.J.G.🕊 (Pseudonym), kitty the naughty poet, spilleronsheet, Dashi,
  • Visible: All lines
  • Finished: January 24th, 2022 08:58
  • Limit: 10 stanzas
  • Invited: Friends (users on his/her list of friends can participate)
  • Comment from author about the poem: Fly high,set your mind free and have fun😊
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 79
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  • FallenAngel1🕊

    Thanks everyone,for your time and words,..this really turned out great🌹🍻✌🕊

  • Crystal Hope

    a very beautiful piece

  • FallenAngel1🕊

    From myself and on behalf of all who contributed,thank you very much Crystal😊🌹🕊

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