Break up


When love fades away and hearts grow cold,
The pain of a break-up can be hard to hold.
The memories, once sweet, now bring tears,
As two lovers part and face their fears.
The promises made now lie in ruins,
As shattered dreams echo like mournful tunes.
The words that once soothed now cut like knives,
As the pain of a broken heart, one survives.
The love that once burned with passion bright,
Now flickers and fades into the night.
The promises that once held so much hope,
Now lie in pieces, unable to cope.
The tears flow freely, the heartache immense,
As two souls part, no longer intense.
The future once bright, now clouded with doubt,
As one tries to move on, while the other is without.
The days are long, the nights even longer,
As memories haunt and hearts grow stronger.
The love may be gone, but the pain lingers on,
As two hearts try to heal, but the damage is done.
Break-ups are painful, but time heals all wounds,
As two people move on and try to resume.
The love may have ended, but life goes on,
As two souls find their way, and new love is born.

  • Authors: Bomli_19
  • Visible: All lines
  • Finished: March 13th, 2023 11:00
  • Limit: 6 stanzas
  • Invited: Friends (users on his/her list of friends can participate)
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 15
  • User favorite of this poem: KACHOW.
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