Just enough


God never gives us too much nor too little,
Sometimes we feel broken and even a bit brittle,
But God has us in His mighty hands,
When we fall down,He will pick us up so that we can stand,
He gives us all just enough to do His will,
And if we are doing that, we will be truly happy even when life seems to be a climb uphill,
He never gives us to much, or we will take things to far,
Doing things in the moment the will only make our lives hard
So I guess I'm saying, be thankful for what you have got,
Instead of wanting more, you already have a lot,
Even if you think that you need more,
The love of the Lord is enough,

He gave me just enough so I could get started
He gave me just enough so I would be found
He gave me just enough so I should be careful
He gave me just enough So I stood my ground
Just enough words until it has ended
Just enough time for it to come true
Just enough growth on My Poetic Side
Just enough faith that I'll meet you

God has given me just enough to get by,
Then He led me to my ride or die,
We met at work not long ago,
He is here for me always,and never wants to go,
When we're together,I'm treated with respect,
And he helps me figure things out, when I think back and reflect,
I have just enough,I have all that I need,
Thank you Lord for the blessings that you have given to me

An insane ditty
Among sensible poems.....
I got enough, I can tell ya that
And that's a fact!
More than enough, that is, of KP!
Oh woe, woe, and thrice woe!
Whatever made me marry her?! heehee.

When you have to much,
God can take it away.
He will make you humble,
so you can hear what he has to say.
He can break your leg,
so you can't go anywhere;
take the people out of your life,
who you thought really cared.
You will find out who will visit,
or who will call.
He may let you stumble,
but he will never let you fall.
He will give you just enough,
to grow closer to Him,
the Holy Spirit, and His Son,
so you will become wiser,
when the trials are done.

The Lord has given me just enough,
Just enough of everything to be thankful for the little stuff,
Like a gentle breeze on a hot day,
Or a kind word from someone when I'm having a tough day,
I have just enough to be who I'm meant to be,
And not get overwhelmed by the things that I cannot see,
I know that God is here,
I can feel His presence when I shed a tear,
To hold and comfort,to heal and protect,
To ward off the evil one that tries to detect,
The weakness within that resides in us all,
The Lord will carry us, when we answer His call,
If we listen, He will tell us just enough,
To make our lives easier,and not so tough,

He will give us enough,
to smile when it's hard.
We'll always have,
His shoulder to lean on.
He'll always give us,
something to make us happy;
whether something long term,
or just something wacky.
We must always be content,
because all we need,
is the Lord to vent.

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