6:13 Crime Scene


It's six thirteen a.m.

as the sun ascends over the small lake.

The crowd, though early, gathered to watch.

Yellow tape around the perimeter alerted all watchers

as the police, dragging the body from the water, brought horror.



This is just a small town

Everybody is sure to know everyone else,

But who was this woman? Why was she there?

No one yet had any answers as the police sought clues.

But, one face in the crowd knew, secretly and quietly staring.



This place had travelers, yes.

But, the many that traveled, went on their ways,

leaving this place but a memory, for to relive again.

She will not be reliving any memories anytime soon, no.

It is other’s memories that now have to be tapped and investigated.



Quickly, the faces of the crowd departed.

As with all else, the day must start and progress.

Work must occur and all must report to someone else.

This is the reason for the senseless act, the suppressed anger.

Anger harbored itself and snuck out with a vengeance, taking an innocent.



This murder will go unsolved,

As the many that go unsolved each day.

Faces come and go, retreating into the sea of man.

Only the guilty know the secrets and carry them forward in life.

May the guilty one day pay for their crimes. May her dying not be in vain.

  • Author: Michael (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 24th, 2023 08:16
  • Category: Short story
  • Views: 3
  • User favorite of this poem: Bobby O.
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  • Bobby O

    May the guilty pay. Dude, I read this twice and imagined that type of loss easily as your prose delivered me to the scene.
    Nice write good read.

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