In Quiet Wonder


Notice of absence from Cloie
Hey everyone,
It was truly wonderful meeting each and every one of you. Your kindness, warmth, and camaraderie made this experience unforgettable. I'll carry these memories with me always. Take care
Signing off,
Cloie (Real name: Diya)

In the quiet hush of the world, questions softly arise,

Whispered in the silence, where truth often lies.

A generation curious, seeking to find,

Meaning in the silence, in the depths of the mind.

Silence isn't empty; it's pregnant with thought,

A canvas for questions, a space to be sought.

In the stillness, we ponder, we wonder, we dream,

Exploring the depths of the silent stream.

Questions linger in the air, seeking to be heard,

In the silence, we find meaning, in every whispered word.


  • Author: Cloie (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 22nd, 2024 19:38
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 18
  • User favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet.
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  • Ian Konopatzke

    What an elegant piece!

    • Cloie

      Thank you so much!

    • Thoughtless

      Nice exposition.

      • Cloie

        Thank you so much!

      • Accidental Poet

        Thought provoking poem Cloie. Well written. 😉👍

        • Cloie

          Thank you so much!

        • sorenbarrett

          This is beauty in words beyond your years. Lovely, poetic and wise as well. The rhyme scheme fit so well being well metered it flowed off the tongue. Loved it.

          • Cloie

            I'm truly touched by your appreciation. It means a lot to me that my words resonated with you. Your encouragement fuels my passion for poetry, and I'm grateful for your support. Thank you so much for your kind words!

          • orchidee

            Good write C.

            • Cloie

              Thank you!

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