Caught Blythely....In the Middle!

Cheeky Missy

(sonnet # CLX)


Caught under leafy bowers e'er excites:
Rain's drenching showers pouring down in grey
Sheets suddenly on all sides; which display
From 'neath the canopy amain delights,
Enthralls; the verdant scene all round a sight's
Exquisite with the frame and whole array
In shades of green, the distant trees through spray
And nigh, seem lush by water's sheen and sleights.
The street, reflecting th'overcast surreal
In white, adds to the flair, as everywhere
Is so alive, surrounding with the feel
And sense of being a part of all for rare
Yet wondrous moments beautiful, its zeal
Infusing the enraptured captive's air.


  • Author: Chic George (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 23rd, 2011 10:36
  • Comment from author about the poem: While I adore rainstorms and love walking through them, perhaps my favourite place is to be right out IN them! Which is exactly where I ended up that morning [18Jul11] when initially trying to hang the wash out to dry; waiting the storm out under a tree proved successful and I loved every minute! (For the introduction read "How it Happened")
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 18
  • Users favorite of this poem: Belinda AMeharry
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  • Anna

    Lol, I guessed you were having rain yourself 🙂
    I like being out in the rain too... but my mum doesn't like it when I get soaked 😛
    What I want to compliment about this is that I think you have an amazing vocabulary, and this poem is really clever! Thanks for posting it XD

    • Cheeky Missy

      Thank you. I guess your mum would not have minded if you had been in this situation, eh? Afterall, I did NOT get wet, since I was safely watching from under my leafy bower, laundry and all--dry! Hence I had the fun of watching it all around me, being in it, but safely dry. Too bad you couldn't have joined me!

      • Anna

        Lol, I would've XD

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