All around you


I'm that voice in the back of your head
That little sound that wishes you dead
That voice that that makes you defy
Gives you the ability to make you lie
I'm the voice that will tell you to love
Then I will tell you to be free as a dove
I'm deceit in all its glory
With a temper and wit of ultimate fury
Im the one who tells you to cover your tracks
To upset people and never look back
I'm the one who tells you to steal
To cast out common sense at the spin of a wheel
I will tell you to bury your head
I'm all around you and I will be here until you're  dead

  • Author: grange_m (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 23rd, 2015 13:15
  • Comment from author about the poem: What do you think I am talking about
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 35
  • Users favorite of this poem: melisa alpizar
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  • melisa alpizar

    I really liked and enjoyed reading this and the way it rhymed. perfect. 🙂

    • grange_m

      Thank you Melisa.😊

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