

I'm fond of my memories, they keep you alive,
They bring back the good times, they help me survive,
They help me to focus, remember the truth,
I am who i am and it's all thanks to you,
I think of our play dates, back when i was a child,
I think of you often, sometimes i cry,
I cherish the moments, how i sit and reminisce,
Holding onto your picture, i blow you a kiss,
I imagine what you'd say to me, how you liked to mix your words,
Then it starts to dawn upon me, you're gone for good and man it hurts!
You'd always know just what to do...'cause you'd done it a thousand times,
You kept your faith, believed in me and taught me to open my mind,
To look at things, not only in fact, but what they could possibly be,
Your wisdom i take, my heart it still brakes, but my memories are always with me.

  • Author: Kay (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 25th, 2015 23:50
  • Category: Nature
  • Views: 33
  • Users favorite of this poem: Kayla
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