Kind of engaged


Kind of engaged

What does it mean when you say you're kind of engaged
Does it mean you're halfway in or fully committed

What does it mean if you're heart's not fully in it
Does it mean I only get half of you

What does it mean when I gladly give you my life
But you can't give it all to me

What does it mean when you say you love me
Is it just half a love, is your heart not there yet

What does it mean to kind of commit
Am I your backup plan or is someone else

What does it mean when you say I love you to someone else
Does it mean you love me any less

What does it mean when you're a little happy
Am I not enough for you

What does it mean when you say I deserve someone who can give me it all
Have you given part of your heart to someone else

What does it mean when you say you want to spend the rest of your life with me
Will it be til the end or until something better comes along

What does it mean to have kind of won
Am I the consolation prize, the runner up

I can tell you what it means when I say I love you, when I say you're the one
It means everything, no one else, ever

It means I give myself to you completely, totally
Not halfway, because I'm all in, you can have it all

If you're not there I get it
If you can't give it all to me, ok
Just tell me now so I can end my life and be in peace

Because I don't want to live in this world without you
I don't want to be the half of a whole that could never be formed

God know what's in my heart, and what is in yours
It's up to us to share that with each other

What does it mean when you say you're sorry
Are you sorry you got caught, found out

What does it mean to do the right thing
Doing it when no one is looking, when it is just you, when only you know the truth

How should I feel
How would you feel if it were you

  • Author: petec (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 9th, 2016 08:18
  • Comment from author about the poem: Probably being overdramatic, but that's me.
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 55
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  • Tony36

    What does it mean indeed. Great write

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