Somewhere so much better



ever so briefly.
Barely more than a glance,
a short time together,
long enough to understand
and recognize
and then turn away,
nothing missed,
it was always available
- as it always is -
to be chosen or avoided,
embraced or rejected,
the same pattern recurring,
a rising hope
and then a disappointment,
a longing
and then a waning of desire,
scattered thoughts
and confusion
interspersed with brief insights,
but nothing lasting,
nothing holding,
nothing binding,
too much distraction
and outside attraction,
things moving faster
and more dynamically elsewhere,
the hint of promise
off in the distance
or maybe right next-door,
can't be sure,
doesn't seem right
to settle down,
life is too short
and they've always assured
that it was so much more
than this,
so best to keep looking,
there must be something better
and more exciting,
more fulfilling
and more complete,
something perfectly configured,
a hearts desire,
a destiny,
a soulmate,
a Shangri-La,
yes one must keep scanning,
and sampling,
reserving any commitment,
not the time to settle down,
not until it's perfect,
an anointment of some sort,
this will surely come,
it has to,
it must,
because that's the consensus,
it's going to happen,
but not here,
not possibly here,
always somewhere better,
so much

  • Author: david (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 20th, 2017 23:41
  • Comment from author about the poem: Why isn't here and now ever good enough? That's the theme of the poem.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 33
  • User favorite of this poem: charlesbarrett.
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  • charlesbarrett

    Nice piece. Beautifully written. And I love the sentiment behind it. Very thought provoking. Nice work.

    • david

      Thank you, Charles.

    • onepauly

      this is brilliant! I can identify with this. why cant we find something now to enjoy. why does it have to be around the next corner. were in the negative always looking for the positive. why cant we be positive right now.

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