Relight the Stars


Dreams crashing back to Earth

In a swift explosion of light

Gone without a chance of rebirth?

Or are there stars to relight?


A world led by artists speaking painted lies

Hearts stolen by greed long ago, so long ago

Blind to any protest and deaf to all helpless cries

Bound to the hidden truth they know, only they know


And above them, those who control the strings

Fueled by profit and souls blackened by dark deeds

Equipping propaganda and the fearsome hate it brings

Hopelessly subject to their own avarice's creed



As long as there's a heart left screaming

A soul even through darkness burning

An iron will seeking justice from war

Above the desert, hope shall soar


Watching the injustices fade behind a curtain of lies

World falling into the palm of a few with devious eyes

Utopia for the elite, hell home to the forgotten cries

Never stand for this, refuse this reality, against all fear choose to rise!


The eclipsed night continues to reign over ashes

Until all traces of apathy and neutrality crashes

Only these warriors can relight the fallen stars

The final chance to mend eternal scars

The only way this future will ever be ours

  • Author: poetboy123 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 18th, 2018 09:08
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 19
  • User favorite of this poem: Noah.
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  • Goldfinch60

    May those stars be relit very soon.

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