He Wonders Whether To Praise Or To Blame Her

Rupert Brooke

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I have peace to weigh your worth, now all is over,
But if to praise or blame you, cannot say.
For, who decries the loved, decries the lover;
Yet what man lauds the thing he's thrown away?

Be you, in truth, this dull, slight, cloudy naught,
The more fool I, so great a fool to adore;
But if you're that high goddess once I thought,
The more your godhead is, I lose the more.

Dear fool, pity the fool who thought you clever!
Dear wisdom, do not mock the fool that missed you!
Most fair, -- the blind has lost your face for ever!
Most foul, -- how could I see you while I kissed you?

So . . . the poor love of fools and blind I've proved you,
For, foul or lovely, 'twas a fool that loved you.

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  • chase

    Wow, talk about a complicated relationship. This feels like such a vivid reflection on love and hindsight. It's bitter, sweet, and regretful all at once. Definitely left me thinking about the duality of people and how our perceptions can blind us.