Poetry blog

We keep you updated on the world of poetry with our news roundups.

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10KM Poem/Costa Book Awards – Poetry News Roundup January 8th


Today here at My Poetic Side we take a look at the 10km poem in Australia, and, this year’s winners of the Costa Book Awards. The 10km Long Bike Path Poem The Upfield trail runs from the inner city of Brunswick to Fawkner Cemetery, which is located in the suburban north of Melbourne. In total, the path is 10km in length, and it is ...

Tennyson Book Exhibit/Rumi’s Tomb Visit – Poetry News Roundup January 7th


Our first poetry news round up of the week takes a look at a poetry book by Tennyson that is to go on exhibition, and a visit by the PM of Pakistan to the tomb of the poet Rumi. Camelot Poem by Tennyson Comes to Scotland It has long been considered that the majestic mountains of the Highlands and Staffa the volcanic island (to ...

New Plath Novella/Egyptian Poet 300 days into a jail term/Singer Releases Poetry Book – Poetry News Roundup January 4th


Our final poetry news round up of the week looks at a new Sylvia Plath novella that has just been published, the Egyptian poet who has been behind bars for 300 days, and the singer who has released a poetry book. Newly Discovered Sylvia Plath Novella Published Yesterday, in celebration of their 90th birthday, the publishers Faber & Faber went ahead and published a ...

Message from the Skies/Plath’s Childhood Home Sale/Burns’ Riverside Haunt – Poetry News Roundup January 3rd


Today, in our poetry news round up, we bring you a proposal from the Message from the Skies project, the sale of Sylvia Plath’s childhood home and, finally, the riverside haunt linked to Robert Burns that has been regenerated for the public to visit. Hogmanay Inspired Proposal Yesterday, we brought you an article about the Hogmanay celebrations in Edinburgh and the “Message from the ...

Tombs Rebuilt/Hogmanay/Bus Poetry – Poetry News Roundup January 2nd


In today"s poetry news round-up we take a look at the poet’s tombs which are to be rebuilt, the Hogmanay celebrations in Edinburgh, and finally, we have an article about more poetry on buses. Pashto Poet’s Tomb to be Rebuilt by Afghan Government The president of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, recently ordered the appropriate government department to rebuild tombs of some of the country"s most ...

Queen’s New Year Honours/Palestinian Poet Appeal – Poetry News Roundup January 1st


Welcome to 2019! Here on My Poetic Side, we begin the new year with a look at the Queen's New Years Honours List. We also have an article about the Palestinian poet who is appealing her conviction. The Queens New Year’s Honours List The list has been out for a couple of days now, but it seems a good way to begin the new ...

Prophet To Enter Public Domain/Arab Creativity – Poetry News Roundup December 31st


As we begin a new week, and see out the old year, here on My Poetic Side we look at an article about The Prophet by Khalil Gibran which is to enter the public domain on in 2019. We also have a story about the winner of this year’s Arab Creativity Award. Gibran Classic gets new Foreword Last week we brought you an article ...

Forgotten Female Writers Remembered/Mirza Ghalib Anniversary – Poetry News Roundup December 28th


Our final poetry news round of the week here on My Poetic Side takes a look at the EU grant helping researchers to remember the forgotten female writers. we also look at the commemorations planned for the 221st birth anniversary of Mirza Ghalib. Forgotten Female Writers and The EU Grant A new grant from the EU is helping Carme Font Paz, a Spanish Academic ...

Amherst Mural/Turkish Poet’s Anniversary/Poetry in Motion – Poetry News Roundup December 27th


Today’s poetry news round up takes a look at a mural in Amherst, the 82nd anniversary of the death of the national poet of Turkey, and the Poetry in Motion competition. New Downtown Building in Amherst to get Mural A Cambridge artist is planning his next work, which he hopes to be able to undertake in the spring. It won’t be something new, but rather ...

Christmas Annual/Bengali Poet Passes Away/Lemm Sissay’s Christmas Fayre – Poetry News Roundup December 26th


Today in our poetry news round up we take a look at the traditional Christmas Annual. We also have an article about the death of a BengaLi Poet, and finally, Lemm Sissay’s Christmas dinners. The Christmas Annual For many people celebrating Christmas, the presents under the tree simply are not complete if there is not an annual under there. This is true whether ...