Comments received on poems by taylorkenna27

a single shooting star
burning-embers said:

Excellent rant! Very readable and not at all boring (a fault with so many rant types).

July 15th, 2017 07:48

a single shooting star
Nicholas Browning said:

Love is a bitch. If they didn\'t really care, then that\'s that. Somewhere down the line they might realize they made a mistake, and come back. But you shouldn\'t wait for someone that chews your heart up and spits it back out. If you feel like it was your fault, then it could have been. You\'ll always tell yourself you could have done things differently the second time around. I don\'t think that\'s true though. Given the same circumstances, you might subconsciously do the same things over again. Don\'t sweat it. It\'ll pass. Just go through the motion, and when you come out, you\'ll be brighter. Best of luck. Keep writing.

July 15th, 2017 00:43