Comments received on poems by Accidental Poet
Let the Bells Sing
myself and me said:
A well told history in a fine-writing poem. Great job.
September 20th, 2017 12:58
myself and me said:
A well told history in a fine-writing poem. Great job.
September 20th, 2017 12:58
Let the Bells Sing
malubotelho said:
Beautiful instructive writing by a poet that is no accidental poet.
September 20th, 2017 12:37
malubotelho said:
Beautiful instructive writing by a poet that is no accidental poet.
September 20th, 2017 12:37
Let the Bells Sing
lasergraph said:
Two of my passions, poetry and history. Amazed they can be combined so well.
September 20th, 2017 12:14
lasergraph said:
Two of my passions, poetry and history. Amazed they can be combined so well.
September 20th, 2017 12:14
Let the Bells Sing
Christina8 said:
Great write, AP! A very interesting read! I live near a lighthouse as well. But yours is much more interesting!
September 20th, 2017 10:37
Christina8 said:
Great write, AP! A very interesting read! I live near a lighthouse as well. But yours is much more interesting!
September 20th, 2017 10:37
Let the Bells Sing
FredPeyer said:
Thank you AP, for a thoughtful, interesting poem and a much needed history lesson!
September 20th, 2017 03:36
FredPeyer said:
Thank you AP, for a thoughtful, interesting poem and a much needed history lesson!
September 20th, 2017 03:36
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
dusk arising said:
Now i\'m confused which one\'s tweedle ... dum was it? Mass produced look alikes, what next.
September 19th, 2017 19:14
dusk arising said:
Now i\'m confused which one\'s tweedle ... dum was it? Mass produced look alikes, what next.
September 19th, 2017 19:14
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
Christina8 said:
Hilarious poem! Loved the read!
September 19th, 2017 13:28
Christina8 said:
Hilarious poem! Loved the read!
September 19th, 2017 13:28
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
FredPeyer said:
Thanks AP, you know how to lighten up the start of my day!
September 19th, 2017 12:13
FredPeyer said:
Thanks AP, you know how to lighten up the start of my day!
September 19th, 2017 12:13
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
myself and me said:
Very funny writing. Love it.
September 19th, 2017 11:39
myself and me said:
Very funny writing. Love it.
September 19th, 2017 11:39
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
wordseven7 said:
😁, I can picture them playing the game. Two twin brothers having fun.
September 19th, 2017 10:22
wordseven7 said:
😁, I can picture them playing the game. Two twin brothers having fun.
September 19th, 2017 10:22
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
WL Schuett said:
Fun write gave me a smile to start the day , well done
September 19th, 2017 07:45
WL Schuett said:
Fun write gave me a smile to start the day , well done
September 19th, 2017 07:45
Plan B
Christina8 said:
Great poem! \"Make plans, God laughs!\" Loved this read! Plan B sounds like my poetry
September 18th, 2017 17:58
Christina8 said:
Great poem! \"Make plans, God laughs!\" Loved this read! Plan B sounds like my poetry
September 18th, 2017 17:58
Plan B
dusk arising said:
Ah yes that cunningly contrived second plan.... but will they let you get away with it...... everything else has been perfection.... plan b is plan b for a reason..... is it safe?
You could always dig a tunnel instead you know.
September 18th, 2017 13:15
dusk arising said:
Ah yes that cunningly contrived second plan.... but will they let you get away with it...... everything else has been perfection.... plan b is plan b for a reason..... is it safe?
You could always dig a tunnel instead you know.
September 18th, 2017 13:15
Plan B
malubotelho said:
Excellent writing AP. It sucks whe we have all planned and poof! Everything goes air. Gone
September 18th, 2017 13:09
malubotelho said:
Excellent writing AP. It sucks whe we have all planned and poof! Everything goes air. Gone
September 18th, 2017 13:09
Plan B
FredPeyer said:
AP, I actually did lol when I came to the end of your poem. It is so true, and I just have to make this a favorite!
Hey, did anybody see that note? The one that says \'Plan B\'?
September 18th, 2017 12:53
FredPeyer said:
AP, I actually did lol when I came to the end of your poem. It is so true, and I just have to make this a favorite!
Hey, did anybody see that note? The one that says \'Plan B\'?
September 18th, 2017 12:53
Plan B
orchidee said:
Don\'t have a fan then - the electric sort! But you have plenty of fans - the people sort! hehe.
September 18th, 2017 08:24
orchidee said:
Don\'t have a fan then - the electric sort! But you have plenty of fans - the people sort! hehe.
September 18th, 2017 08:24
Plan B
Goldfinch60 said:
It often happens in life, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and then the roof caves in. Good write.
September 18th, 2017 07:52
Goldfinch60 said:
It often happens in life, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and then the roof caves in. Good write.
September 18th, 2017 07:52
Plan B
Fay Slimm. said:
Ah - those clever last lines had me smiling my friend - plans indeed do go awry sometimes. Good read.
September 18th, 2017 05:12
Fay Slimm. said:
Ah - those clever last lines had me smiling my friend - plans indeed do go awry sometimes. Good read.
September 18th, 2017 05:12
A Traditional Man
dusk arising said:
Nice one sir! But will 10 year old girls buy it on vinyl? Aww we wont be seeing u on TV anytime soon then. More\'s the shame.
September 17th, 2017 17:08
dusk arising said:
Nice one sir! But will 10 year old girls buy it on vinyl? Aww we wont be seeing u on TV anytime soon then. More\'s the shame.
September 17th, 2017 17:08
A Traditional Man
FredPeyer said:
I really think you should present these lyrics to Bruce Springsteen!!!!
Great writing, great subject.
September 17th, 2017 15:28
FredPeyer said:
I really think you should present these lyrics to Bruce Springsteen!!!!
Great writing, great subject.
September 17th, 2017 15:28
A Traditional Man
rrodriguez said:
I really enjoyed your poem. I would love to hear being played on YouTube. Great job!
September 17th, 2017 07:55
rrodriguez said:
I really enjoyed your poem. I would love to hear being played on YouTube. Great job!
September 17th, 2017 07:55
A Traditional Man
orchidee said:
A fine write AP. I could have a go at setting it to a tune (or got one already?). Mind you, it would probably be a hymn tune. I only know about 3 non-hymn tunes! lol
September 17th, 2017 07:08
orchidee said:
A fine write AP. I could have a go at setting it to a tune (or got one already?). Mind you, it would probably be a hymn tune. I only know about 3 non-hymn tunes! lol
September 17th, 2017 07:08
A Traditional Man
WL Schuett said:
Is there music that goes with this song , I could read with some rhythm but wonder what you were thinking in terms of rhythm, good work AP
September 17th, 2017 06:59
WL Schuett said:
Is there music that goes with this song , I could read with some rhythm but wonder what you were thinking in terms of rhythm, good work AP
September 17th, 2017 06:59
Saturday Mornings
myself and me said:
Saturday morning is the most relax morning of the week. A lot of fun memories. Thank you.
September 16th, 2017 18:32
myself and me said:
Saturday morning is the most relax morning of the week. A lot of fun memories. Thank you.
September 16th, 2017 18:32
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