Comments received on poems by Accidental Poet

Laugh In The Face Of Demons
Goldfinch60 said:

Good tribute to a clever and funny man.

August 11th, 2017 03:33

Laugh In The Face Of Demons
Nicholas Browning said:

He was a nice guy from what I\'ve heard. A shame that he couldn\'t press on, like so many others. The loss of life is one of the greatest pains to be felt in this world, and I\'m sure it hurt a lot of people when the news arrived. Thanks for the poem, I\'m sure he\'ll like it.

August 11th, 2017 03:09

The Voice of Heaven
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write. You are so right that you are always travelling with an angel.

August 11th, 2017 00:07

The Voice of Heaven
WriteBeLight said:

Very Heavenly! AP

August 10th, 2017 12:06

Tailgate for Two
malubotelho said:

Beautiful writing. I love the soft way of your writing. Very gentil.

August 10th, 2017 11:17

The Voice of Heaven
malubotelho said:

This is so awesome. Thanks for sharing so delicious poem.

August 10th, 2017 11:10

The Voice of Heaven
Louis Gibbs said:

I share the beliefs you express herein completely, AP! Very well described in this poem! Kudos.

August 10th, 2017 10:59

The Voice of Heaven
orchidee said:

Erm, well I hope my poems don\'t make ya all go back to bed then! heehee. Great write Ap.

August 10th, 2017 08:29

Personal Best
malubotelho said:

It’s the searching

For that unfulfilled quest

A thirst needing to be quenched

The pursuit of personal best
Need to confess that this is what bothers me, what keeps me looking for something special, something not yet at my control. I loved to read you and the way you state how you keep searching for that something. Awesome writing.

August 9th, 2017 20:49

Rest In Peace Glen Travis Campbell
Tony36 said:

Well written tribute to Glen

August 9th, 2017 14:31

Rest In Peace Glen Travis Campbell
orchidee said:

A fine write and tribute that we in UK share with you.

August 9th, 2017 09:13

Rest In Peace Glen Travis Campbell
WriteBeLight said:

Wonderful job and tribute. I loved him in True Grit. Was sad when I heard the news yesterday.

August 9th, 2017 07:53

Rest In Peace Glen Travis Campbell

Thanks AP ~ I am a great fan of Country music and was at the OPRY for Chris Krisstopherson\'s tribute to Johnny Cash IN 2003 ! Glen Campbell is a great Blessing to County Music ~ which is the Music of Heaven so he will really feel at Home up there with Jim Reeves ~ Johnny Cash etc ! Thanks for sharing & caring ~ BRIAN

August 9th, 2017 04:00

‘Scuse Me
Night Owl said:

Totally cosmic AC-- enjoyed this read!

August 8th, 2017 21:40

Personal Best
myself and me said:

The pursuit of personal best

That is the best we can do and by doing it, there will be no regrets left.
Wonderful writing.

August 8th, 2017 15:25

Personal Best
Goldfinch60 said:

We must all strive for more, if we give up we will fail. All we can do in doing that though is our best. Good write.

August 8th, 2017 07:58

Personal Best

WOW AP ~ It is encouraging ~ that @ 60+ ~ you still have ambition to produce your best work ! I\'m half your age so i still have a lot to prove ! However (as you know) I do not post my Poems until they are \"Polished to Perfection\" and that is true of all that I try to do. Your Poem (elegant in Form & Function) encourages us all in \"The pursuit of personal best !\" Thanks for caring and sharing ~ BRIAN

August 8th, 2017 04:13

Personal Best
Brycycle said:

The words you have used in this poem are great!
Nice write :)

August 8th, 2017 03:49

Tailgate for Two
myself and me said:

Watching that sun go down

Brings thoughts of years gone by

The things I did or didn’t do

And all the reasons why

I know there is something I can do now but simply do not have the courage to do it, that I might regret when I look back. I just do not know, when I watch the sun down, can I face it. Like this poem.

August 7th, 2017 20:25

Tailgate for Two
Heather T said:

Love this tail gate tale told from poet\'s heart view.

August 7th, 2017 11:11

Tailgate for Two
ShannonXx said:

This was wonderful

August 7th, 2017 08:25

Tailgate for Two
Louis Gibbs said:

I thoroughly enjoyed this tailgate party, A.P. Well done poem!

August 7th, 2017 05:47

Let Love Lead the Way
Goldfinch60 said:

Good loving write, that love will always be there.

August 7th, 2017 01:09

Let Love Lead the Way
Louis Gibbs said:

Do lost loves ever leave our heart? I think not, and that is the way it should be ... lost, but not forgotten, don\'t you agree? fine poem, A.P.

August 6th, 2017 11:19

Let Love Lead the Way
WriteBeLight said:

Wicked good! Love the questions you ask :)

August 6th, 2017 10:01

Let Love Lead the Way
rrodriguez said:

Indeed... I loved it. Beautiful my friend.

August 6th, 2017 09:58

Let Love Lead the Way
orchidee said:

A fine write AP.

August 6th, 2017 09:54

Let Love Lead the Way
myself and me said:

Wow, lift the scar will always create fresh wounds. Only love could fill the big hole and seal the pain. Very touching poem.

August 6th, 2017 08:46

Let Love Lead the Way
WL Schuett said:

Love is never wrong .... heartfelt I sympathize

August 6th, 2017 08:00

This Is Not Good-bye
Brycycle said:

Very good write, and heart warming.

August 6th, 2017 04:50

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