Comments received on poems by Accidental Poet
Hiding In The Rain
Louis Gibbs said:
A well described process we all go through, AP! Some of our best work emerges from it, doesn\'t it.
August 16th, 2017 09:24
Louis Gibbs said:
A well described process we all go through, AP! Some of our best work emerges from it, doesn\'t it.
August 16th, 2017 09:24
Hiding In The Rain
orchidee said:
A fine write AP. Ya got an umbrella there?! heehee.
August 16th, 2017 08:27
orchidee said:
A fine write AP. Ya got an umbrella there?! heehee.
August 16th, 2017 08:27
Hiding In The Rain
Goldfinch60 said:
Very good write, we all need to hide sometimes.
August 16th, 2017 07:47
Goldfinch60 said:
Very good write, we all need to hide sometimes.
August 16th, 2017 07:47
Ten Feet From The Ledge
myself and me said:
I’ll still be here
Giving life my best
Respecting God given life
With flyin’ colors I’ll pass that test
Love your attitude about life. You sure will pass the test with a perfect score.
August 15th, 2017 21:05
myself and me said:
I’ll still be here
Giving life my best
Respecting God given life
With flyin’ colors I’ll pass that test
Love your attitude about life. You sure will pass the test with a perfect score.
August 15th, 2017 21:05
Ten Feet From The Ledge
Louis Gibbs said:
Each and every one of our lives are a precious gift, to be explored and fully lived, I appreciate your poem, AP!
August 15th, 2017 16:44
Louis Gibbs said:
Each and every one of our lives are a precious gift, to be explored and fully lived, I appreciate your poem, AP!
August 15th, 2017 16:44
Ten Feet From The Ledge
sue.evans said:
Love your positivity - shines through your words.
August 15th, 2017 16:33
sue.evans said:
Love your positivity - shines through your words.
August 15th, 2017 16:33
This Is Not Good-bye
Florina77 said:
This is beautiful...i could only imagine how blessed and lovely it would be to be looking down upon someone who has written so beautifully about me after my time on earth in the physical form has gone by. Love it!
August 15th, 2017 15:18
Florina77 said:
This is beautiful...i could only imagine how blessed and lovely it would be to be looking down upon someone who has written so beautifully about me after my time on earth in the physical form has gone by. Love it!
August 15th, 2017 15:18
Ten Feet From The Ledge
Alf W said:
Respecting God-given life has no comparison in my book, so I love you poem and how you live. Enjoy and be blessed in your life. Superb write!
August 15th, 2017 10:54
Alf W said:
Respecting God-given life has no comparison in my book, so I love you poem and how you live. Enjoy and be blessed in your life. Superb write!
August 15th, 2017 10:54
Ten Feet From The Ledge
orchidee said:
Good write. I was 10 feet from the ledge. But I was on the ground floor! I cheated! heehee. You\'re a wag, Orchi!
August 15th, 2017 08:35
orchidee said:
Good write. I was 10 feet from the ledge. But I was on the ground floor! I cheated! heehee. You\'re a wag, Orchi!
August 15th, 2017 08:35
Ten Feet From The Ledge
lasergraph said:
I loved it, I think you expressed what most of us feel.
August 15th, 2017 07:55
lasergraph said:
I loved it, I think you expressed what most of us feel.
August 15th, 2017 07:55
Ten Feet From The Ledge
Goldfinch60 said:
Very good write, we must all do our best in this life.
August 15th, 2017 03:46
Goldfinch60 said:
Very good write, we must all do our best in this life.
August 15th, 2017 03:46
Ten Feet From The Ledge
Thanks AP ~ very wise Counsel ! In my experience all those who sail \"close to the edge\" (for the Fun & Hell of it) eventually fall over it and sink ~ often without trace ! Discretion is always the greater part of Valour ! Please check Anarchy ~ a Wordless Poem ~ Thanks BRIAN.
August 15th, 2017 03:17
Thanks AP ~ very wise Counsel ! In my experience all those who sail \"close to the edge\" (for the Fun & Hell of it) eventually fall over it and sink ~ often without trace ! Discretion is always the greater part of Valour ! Please check Anarchy ~ a Wordless Poem ~ Thanks BRIAN.
August 15th, 2017 03:17
Stinkin’ Thinkin’
Gary Edward Geraci said:
An important message done in great meter and rhyme. It took returning to the faith tradition of my youth to transform tons of regrets and sin into small droplets to drop into an ocean eager to swallow them up for good. Liberating indeed o rid oneself of the stinkin\' thinkin\'.
August 14th, 2017 22:05
Gary Edward Geraci said:
An important message done in great meter and rhyme. It took returning to the faith tradition of my youth to transform tons of regrets and sin into small droplets to drop into an ocean eager to swallow them up for good. Liberating indeed o rid oneself of the stinkin\' thinkin\'.
August 14th, 2017 22:05
Stinkin’ Thinkin’
myself and me said:
Don’t let the past
Define who you are
I won\'t anymore. Thank you for the wise suggestion.
August 14th, 2017 18:50
myself and me said:
Don’t let the past
Define who you are
I won\'t anymore. Thank you for the wise suggestion.
August 14th, 2017 18:50
Stinkin’ Thinkin’
WriteBeLight said:
I have heard that expression before. Very motivating AP!
August 14th, 2017 08:02
WriteBeLight said:
I have heard that expression before. Very motivating AP!
August 14th, 2017 08:02
My poetic Side
myself and me said:
A site not only for posting poem,
but also for meeting friends.
A site to express your feeling,
A site to get support
A site to change ideas
A site to be yourself
Thank you for sharing this poem.
August 13th, 2017 22:30
myself and me said:
A site not only for posting poem,
but also for meeting friends.
A site to express your feeling,
A site to get support
A site to change ideas
A site to be yourself
Thank you for sharing this poem.
August 13th, 2017 22:30
My poetic Side
Heather T said:
I have two friends alone that have ever given a rip about my \"hobby\". My mother was always proud, even if she didn\'t always understand (especially anything that didn\'t rhyme, my goodness isn\'t all poetry supposed to rhyme?) and my dear Mr. T is clueless. Online poetry communities have been a blessing since I first found any a decade ago. All of the former ones are dead, and to find one as dynamic as MPS is tremendous. Many millennials have instagram poetry accounts, but to me they lack the warmth of this place. So happy to be here with you, reading this fine tribute and sharing our craft together!
August 13th, 2017 21:58
Heather T said:
I have two friends alone that have ever given a rip about my \"hobby\". My mother was always proud, even if she didn\'t always understand (especially anything that didn\'t rhyme, my goodness isn\'t all poetry supposed to rhyme?) and my dear Mr. T is clueless. Online poetry communities have been a blessing since I first found any a decade ago. All of the former ones are dead, and to find one as dynamic as MPS is tremendous. Many millennials have instagram poetry accounts, but to me they lack the warmth of this place. So happy to be here with you, reading this fine tribute and sharing our craft together!
August 13th, 2017 21:58
My poetic Side
malubotelho said:
Thanks for writing this poem that for me is the first I read about the site. Your poem for sure is doing its porpoise to bring us together. I feel the same about my friends non poets. I have a lot of friend but none of them writes so I have no idenfication with them concerning sharing my poetry. I had to research to find this amazing place where we all understand each other. Awesome writing. I really thank you for this.
August 13th, 2017 20:50
malubotelho said:
Thanks for writing this poem that for me is the first I read about the site. Your poem for sure is doing its porpoise to bring us together. I feel the same about my friends non poets. I have a lot of friend but none of them writes so I have no idenfication with them concerning sharing my poetry. I had to research to find this amazing place where we all understand each other. Awesome writing. I really thank you for this.
August 13th, 2017 20:50
My poetic Side
Louis Gibbs said:
Your response to Jane caught my eye. First let me say that your poem speaks for me as it does for most on this site, if not all. Very well captured and expressed!
Your statement that, \"Sometimes I feel like the poem already exists, and I just have to lend my hands to type it out\" reflects my own experience in bringing forth that which already exists in the mind of a muse. So often that is the case, and results in some of our finest poetry.
Giant kudos AP on this wonderful tribute to MPS!
August 13th, 2017 10:41
Louis Gibbs said:
Your response to Jane caught my eye. First let me say that your poem speaks for me as it does for most on this site, if not all. Very well captured and expressed!
Your statement that, \"Sometimes I feel like the poem already exists, and I just have to lend my hands to type it out\" reflects my own experience in bringing forth that which already exists in the mind of a muse. So often that is the case, and results in some of our finest poetry.
Giant kudos AP on this wonderful tribute to MPS!
August 13th, 2017 10:41
My poetic Side
rrodriguez said:
Enjoyed it AP and I certainly agree about MPS being a place of gathering for prolific mind to divulge their feel in poetic form. Thank you gor sharing.
August 13th, 2017 08:00
rrodriguez said:
Enjoyed it AP and I certainly agree about MPS being a place of gathering for prolific mind to divulge their feel in poetic form. Thank you gor sharing.
August 13th, 2017 08:00
My poetic Side
orchidee said:
A fine write AP. Pity I came along and started to SING my poems! Meeoowwoo! A wonder anyone is still left on here! heehee. And I must stop insulting cats too!
August 13th, 2017 07:02
orchidee said:
A fine write AP. Pity I came along and started to SING my poems! Meeoowwoo! A wonder anyone is still left on here! heehee. And I must stop insulting cats too!
August 13th, 2017 07:02
My poetic Side
Michael Edwards said:
I have to agree this is an excellent site but would welcome a forum where we can also chat about our art. This is a superbly crafted poem and I do enjoy your work AP
August 13th, 2017 04:50
Michael Edwards said:
I have to agree this is an excellent site but would welcome a forum where we can also chat about our art. This is a superbly crafted poem and I do enjoy your work AP
August 13th, 2017 04:50
My poetic Side
Bibbeck said:
A/P, there\'s no accident in your talent. Well said here; you speak much of what what I feel, & I\'m sure for many others too. This is a great anthem for MPS. Well done!
August 13th, 2017 04:34
Bibbeck said:
A/P, there\'s no accident in your talent. Well said here; you speak much of what what I feel, & I\'m sure for many others too. This is a great anthem for MPS. Well done!
August 13th, 2017 04:34
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