Comments received on poems by Accidental Poet

Metaphorically Speaking
WL Schuett said:

My heart is smiling, cool poem .

August 22nd, 2017 12:43

Metaphorically Speaking
orchidee said:

A fine write AP. There\'s other metaphors in this too, as well as in the last few lines! Some metaphors in life we seem to hate, some we seem to love. Similarly, some phrases: e.g. people who say \'In this moment of time\' drives some people mad!

August 22nd, 2017 08:54

Metaphorically Speaking
Diane said:

Made me smile from my heart :-)

August 22nd, 2017 08:10

Metaphorically Speaking
Goldfinch60 said:

Super write, the smiles are always there within us.

August 22nd, 2017 08:07

Metaphorically Speaking
ShannonXx said:

This is a wonderful piece

August 22nd, 2017 07:58

Rest in Peace Jerry Lewis
myself and me said:

We lost a noble man here, and Heaven get a lovely angle. He is at home now.

August 21st, 2017 16:15

Rest in Peace Jerry Lewis
malubotelho said:

Oh! I love him. I\'ve laughed a lot watching him. Thanks for posting this.

August 21st, 2017 15:25

Rest in Peace Jerry Lewis
burning-embers said:

Yes i loved his idiot acting alongside Dean Martin in the movies as a kid. It\'s the sign of us all gettng older isn\'t it. The world we knew, it\'s heroes and clowns are leaving us and the world is changing. We gracefully accept change with the wisdom our years have provided. Thank you Accidental Poet and thank you Jerry Lewis wonderful clown.

August 21st, 2017 12:30

Old School
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write, back in the day life was so much easier and so much happier than today, I know - I was there as well.

August 21st, 2017 01:07

Old School
myself and me said:

\"To resist an urge to swear

Or my mother would spank my butt\"

Do you still remember how many times this happen to you? :)

Love old school days. Love this \"old school\" poem.

August 20th, 2017 21:35

Old School
malubotelho said:

Your poem made me remember my mother. I had a great old school too. With lots of love though. I enjoyed reading you. Excellent.

August 20th, 2017 21:28

Cameras & Photographs
malubotelho said:

Great writing with a beautiful thought. Thanks for sharing this important them.

August 20th, 2017 18:44

Old School
WL Schuett said:

I relate to this very well I think we share a lot of the old school ways , nice thoughts nicely written

August 20th, 2017 15:14

Old School

Thanks AP ~ I was well trained @ Home & School and our \"10 Rules in the Scouts\" were:

Trusty ~ Loyal ~ Helpful
Brotherly ~ Courteous ~ Kind
Obedient ~ Cheerful ~ Thrifty
Pure in Body & Mind

Very similar to the NINE FRUIT of the SPIRIT ~ Thanks for caring and sharing a great poem for Sunday ! Yours BRIAN

August 20th, 2017 07:11

Old School
Accidental Poet said:

August 20th, 2017 07:07

Old School
rrodriguez said:

Loved this piece. I can relate to it since I\'m old school too. Great piece.

August 20th, 2017 06:49

Stinkin’ Thinkin’
Sunflowers Bloom said:

Blessed by this !

August 20th, 2017 01:34

Cameras & Photographs
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write and very true. I have been photographing wildlife and nature for many years and still trying to get that \'Perfect Picture\'.

August 20th, 2017 00:26

Cameras & Photographs
myself and me said:

Love the ID photo. Beautiful view match this beautiful writing.

August 19th, 2017 18:24

Cameras & Photographs
orchidee said:

A fine write AP.

August 19th, 2017 10:46

Cameras & Photographs
WL Schuett said:

Hits close to my heart miss the days of darkrooms and film

August 19th, 2017 07:46

Cameras & Photographs
Nicholas Browning said:

This was pleasant to read and think about.

August 19th, 2017 07:04

The Written Word
myself and me said:

Share the same feeling with you. I wrote to express my feeling, joy or sorrow, light or heavy, success or fail, serious or funny...
Thank you for put it in such a marvelous writing.

August 18th, 2017 20:11

The Written Word
malubotelho said:

To express my feelings in a creative lyrical way

A journey through the pages of my heart
This is just so beautiful. I just love to read your poems. Thanks for sharing

August 18th, 2017 19:43

The Written Word
burning-embers said:

I am no student of the poets those acclaimed masters. I\'m a humble wordsmith throwing out my passion and pain. This is the most amazing poem i have ever read. Youve just written my life... every part of your piece i identify with. Im just amazed. In my favourites of course, its the best thing i ever read.

August 18th, 2017 19:33

The Written Word
orchidee said:

A fine write AP.

August 18th, 2017 08:27

Illusions Of Pain
myself and me said:

The pain is deep, but with support and love, we will stand.
Thank you.

August 17th, 2017 23:08

Illusions Of Pain
malubotelho said:

You lean on me and I’ll lean on you

We’ll help each other stand tall and true

Let’s all hold hands

One big circle of love that understands

You are so right. What we are doing with our writing is reaching for others for some conection so we can extend our thoughts, our pain and also love. We are declaring that we are humans. Awesome writing.

August 17th, 2017 14:46

Illusions Of Pain
WL Schuett said:

Very thoughtful and inspiring AP

August 17th, 2017 08:51

Illusions Of Pain
orchidee said:

A fine write AP.

August 17th, 2017 08:26

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