Comments received on poems by Accidental Poet

Time Waits for No Man
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful loving words AP, she will be there for you. Perhaps the four of us can go and have a meal in loves restaurant.


July 11th, 2021 00:36

Time Waits for No Man
myself and me said:

A very touching write. Time wait for no man, but time create miracle too. May your Sharon smile at you again.

July 10th, 2021 21:35

Time Waits for No Man
SureshG said:

one lost love, till we meet again, in this life or …… I’m left with that memory and heartfelt poetry

July 10th, 2021 11:41

Time Waits for No Man
Neville said:

tis a universal truth sir and no mistake ..
tis a Fab feeling too, true love .. well writ say\'s I :)

July 10th, 2021 08:49

Now I Know It
myself and me said:

Now I know #2 pencil is your secret weapon to write wonderful poem. A lovely read.

July 8th, 2021 21:31

Now I Know It
flyingfish said:

above all else a poet who publishes, needs a thick, thick skin. Cheers

July 8th, 2021 17:40

Now I Know It
Goldfinch60 said:

Sounds like the same way I got into poetry AP, and still we write.


July 8th, 2021 15:13

Now I Know It
SureshG said:

We all have within us, a poet, a writer, a musician, an artist, and for most of us, it takes a love, a loss, a tragedy or an event, our own lightening bolt to get the creation flowing. Yours, though a tragedy, has created a poet.

July 8th, 2021 13:13

Now I Know It
Neville said:

we all have our own reason or reasons for writing whether poetry, prose, novels or notes .. and whether on the back of beermats, or them little yellow sticky stubbit paper pads .. it seems writings for life not just one of them passing fads ...

I note your inspiration tho was sadly bitter sweet AP ...

Write on good sir for both yourself, and for them and me .... :)

July 8th, 2021 07:50

Now I Know It
rrodriguez said:

AP you\'re indeed one of our poets. We enjoy your poems and look forward to your creations. Be blessed my brother and keep on producing your beautiful poems.

July 8th, 2021 06:38

Because Now You’re a Poet
Poetic Dan said:

Boom, what a flow I honestly still do believe you know. Poets are poeting everywhere I go lol

Thank you for this!

July 8th, 2021 00:51

Because Now You’re a Poet
Goldfinch60 said:

Good words AP. I didn\'t know I was going to be a poet until that day I saw a work of art being created by my daughter.


July 8th, 2021 00:37

Because Now You’re a Poet
Catgotthecream said:

I thoroughly enjoyed this 👏

Thank you for this read!

July 7th, 2021 14:04

Because Now You’re a Poet
SureshG said:

….as penned by a true poet.

July 7th, 2021 13:11

Because Now You’re a Poet
iAli said:

Great work dear poet.❣

July 7th, 2021 09:28

Because Now You’re a Poet
orchidee said:

Good write AP.

July 7th, 2021 06:25

Because Now You’re a Poet
Caring dove said:

Great poem , AP 🙂🙂

July 7th, 2021 04:56

I’ll Try to Keep Up
Goldfinch60 said:

Very true words AP, that muse will not let us take a break at anytime.


July 7th, 2021 00:47

I’ll Try to Keep Up
SureshG said:

She visits, at her pleasure
Not waiting at my leisure
When then I wish to recall
Empty mind, nothing to haul

I find myself at that junction so, so many times. Loved the poem

July 6th, 2021 13:01

I’ll Try to Keep Up
dusk arising said:

When the muse nags, she is boss. She who must be obeyed less you toss and turn in refusal.

July 6th, 2021 07:45

I’ll Try to Keep Up
orchidee said:

Good write AP. lol.

July 6th, 2021 06:18

Goldfinch60 said:

But those memories be with you to convey to others so that can become stronger individuals.


July 6th, 2021 01:26

Fay Slimm. said:

Inspiration as given in your well written lines includes men women and animals which we all can take lessons from whatever our age.......... I love that final line that sums it all up - - fine read A.P.

July 5th, 2021 14:12

Neville said:

This was no accident AP now woz it ..
my guess is, you\'ve been saving up all these amazing inspirational things .. just for a day like today ..

... a poem penned perfectly in my humble opinion ...

July 5th, 2021 10:32

Passionate Heart
rrodriguez said:

This is the work of a passionate poem. Well crafted my friend.

July 4th, 2021 19:09

Easy on the Eyes
orchidee said:

A fine write AP, liked\' with a \'heart-like\'.

July 4th, 2021 05:15

Easy on the Eyes
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful loving words AP, Sharon will always be with you.


July 4th, 2021 04:30

Easy on the Eyes
Neville said:

Quite brilliantly penned my bloomin friend ..

July 4th, 2021 04:28

Inside Looking Out
AuburnScribbler said:

A wonderful poem of inner friendship, and self trust here Accidental Poet.

To me this poem says, that to listen to oneself can be hard sometimes; especially in the face of other people\'s opinions, but the way in which you\'ve written this important thought, at the end of any day, you can always rely on you!

Bravo, and I hope that all is well!

July 3rd, 2021 14:04

Passionate Heart
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful loving words AP.


July 3rd, 2021 11:28

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