Comments received on poems by Accidental Poet

Last Call
Goldfinch60 said:

Super write AP, looking at our past we need to learn from it and most surely have, it is called growing up.

April 1st, 2018 00:28

Last Call
orchidee said:

A fine write AP. On a light note - I told \'em to add water to it!

March 31st, 2018 10:02

Last Call
LaurašŸŒ» said:

An awesome write accompanied by an appropriate song to accentuate it!
I canā€™t say I relate BUT I know someone who can and hasnā€™t learned from his past! The sad thing is heā€™s not the only one affected by it! The whole family suffers! Itā€™s like walking on eggshells! Devastating for everyone...especially for him!


March 31st, 2018 07:58

Last Call
Michael Edwards said:

Many of us have been there - it\'s part of the ritual of maturing - the key to life is learning from it and moving onwards. Super work AP

March 31st, 2018 07:11

Digging Deep
ron parrish aka wordman said:

the elusive dream we all seek,loved it

March 30th, 2018 23:19

Digging Deep
Christina8 said:

A fantastic write AP! This is such a relatable feeling for me. You wrote about pushing your limits and finding that WOW moment well. Great job!

March 29th, 2018 19:56

Digging Deep
Fay Slimm. said:

You dug deep here in this well-crafted verse A.P. - - a super write.

March 29th, 2018 14:55

Digging Deep


The greatest Mystery known to MAN
IS MAN himself ~ we are unfathomless !
The recent death of Professor Stephen Hawkins
Has reminded us of what one \"disabled\" Man
Can achieve intellectually & Usain Bolt of what Man
Can achieve Physically and Musicians & Painters
Of what Man can achieve Artistically etc !
Always remember that we are infinitely Higher
Than the APES and only just a little
Lower than the ANGELS !
So self-searching & self-realisation always leads us
on to Ground much Higher than we imagined !

Thanks for Caring & Sharing ~ BRIAN.
Please check my Poems & Fusion ~ Thanks B.

March 29th, 2018 14:44

Digging Deep
w c said:

Thanks AP! i sometimes get analysis paralysis!

March 29th, 2018 14:43

Digging Deep
kevin browne said:

ah, your writing skills surpass any expectation that are thrown at you. your right, digging deep sometime can be beautifully perceived, however, the darkest places left unexplored are just waiting there to try and catch you off guard. I\'d say your poem here does exactly that. love this this work, AP.

March 29th, 2018 12:06

Digging Deep
LaurašŸŒ» said:

A great write, AP!
I have a feeling if you do dig deep enough, your Museā€™s quest will be satisfied! Sometimes what we want is buried so deep within us that we think itā€™s unapproachable and we will never have that WOW moment! Continue searching upon your will have your WOW moment!


March 29th, 2018 11:02

Digging Deep
orchidee said:

A fine write AP. A paradox? Digging deep to reach the highest mountain? You coming or going?! You half way up that hill, and neither up nor down? As were the Grand Old Duke Of York\'s men. Dunno why they were mucking about on a hill. lol.

March 29th, 2018 04:40

Love Rules the Heart
Michael Edwards said:

The love of my life - 54 years married - great work AP

March 27th, 2018 12:28

Love Rules the Heart
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good and very true write. That first love will never be forgotten but the mainstay of love is the one you settle with, I have now been married 37 years this year - not bad for a second marriage.

March 27th, 2018 08:01

Love Rules the Heart
Lorna said:

AP - adore the poem, absolutely adore the song - I\'ve played this one over and over the the past...... it always makes me cry.

March 27th, 2018 06:50

Love Rules the Heart
LaurašŸŒ» said:

This is an awesome write, AP!
A great choice of music to accentuate your poem!
He should know about ā€œThe First Cut is the Deepestā€! Itā€™s a great song! Rod Stewart is one of my favorites. He sings it best with his raspy voice! As I said, a great song for your written sentiments!


March 27th, 2018 04:49

Love Rules the Heart
orchidee said:

A fine write AP. I knows you\'re not 10. I knows you\'re 21. Aww someone added: \'Yes 5 times over\'. doh!

March 27th, 2018 04:34

The Magnetic Pull of Love
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write. Love is so special especially when it lasts a lifetime.

March 26th, 2018 00:53

The Magnetic Pull of Love
LaurašŸŒ» said:

ā€œWhen love lasts a lifetime,
it is a Kingā€™s treasureā€!

You have beautifully expressed what love is with words and music!
Stevie young!


March 25th, 2018 18:18

The Magnetic Pull of Love
kevin browne said:

AP, you remain to marvel with such beautiful words. I admire you.

March 25th, 2018 17:10

The Magnetic Pull of Love
Resa71 said:

Really beautiful writing!
It even touched a jaded heart, such as mine.
Thank you!

March 25th, 2018 13:05

The Magnetic Pull of Love
marlenawood said:

I enjoy your reading your poems so beautiful

March 25th, 2018 12:44

The Magnetic Pull of Love
Its Raskolnikov said:

Great write

March 25th, 2018 11:29

The Magnetic Pull of Love
Patricia LaFazia said:

Absolutely beautiful

March 25th, 2018 11:25

The Magnetic Pull of Love
orchidee said:

A fine write and poem AP.

March 25th, 2018 09:38

The Magnetic Pull of Love
Lorna said:

Good one AP! Upbeat love!

March 25th, 2018 07:06

Whispers on the Wind
skyebellasario said:

This has to be one of my favourites out of your pieces AP!

March 23rd, 2018 16:49

Whispers on the Wind
w c said:

Thanks AP. I really enjoyed it.

March 22nd, 2018 18:58

Whispers on the Wind
w c said:

March 22nd, 2018 18:54

Whispers on the Wind
Goldfinch60 said:

Those subtle voices are mesmerising. Good write.

March 22nd, 2018 08:58

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