Comments received on poems by Accidental Poet
In Retrospect
w c said:
Let your light continue to shine. People need to hear your words!
November 30th, 2017 19:40
w c said:
Let your light continue to shine. People need to hear your words!
November 30th, 2017 19:40
In Retrospect
Jeremy Leach said:
This touches on a subject I\'m starting to relate to. \'Words of my own choice\'. That\'s what I like, the complete freedom of expression. Great poem.
November 30th, 2017 13:50
Jeremy Leach said:
This touches on a subject I\'m starting to relate to. \'Words of my own choice\'. That\'s what I like, the complete freedom of expression. Great poem.
November 30th, 2017 13:50
In Retrospect
FredPeyer said:
This is a well written thoughtful poem, AP. It touches something I think every writer wonders about at least sometimes: Where do all these words come from? What makes us want to write? And as you say, it is a gift. A gift we should be thankful for.
November 30th, 2017 13:21
FredPeyer said:
This is a well written thoughtful poem, AP. It touches something I think every writer wonders about at least sometimes: Where do all these words come from? What makes us want to write? And as you say, it is a gift. A gift we should be thankful for.
November 30th, 2017 13:21
In Retrospect
Louis Gibbs said:
My introduction to writing poetry was similar to yours, AP. The Muse broke through to me twelve years ago, and has inspired, co-written, and even occasionally composed, my work ever since. I, too, am very grateful for the blessing.
This tribute poem to the Muse is a fine one. Kudos!
November 30th, 2017 09:39
Louis Gibbs said:
My introduction to writing poetry was similar to yours, AP. The Muse broke through to me twelve years ago, and has inspired, co-written, and even occasionally composed, my work ever since. I, too, am very grateful for the blessing.
This tribute poem to the Muse is a fine one. Kudos!
November 30th, 2017 09:39
In Retrospect
Goldfinch60 said:
Great write, a similar thing happened to me, an artwork made me write words about it about nine years ago and I have never looked back.
November 30th, 2017 09:09
Goldfinch60 said:
Great write, a similar thing happened to me, an artwork made me write words about it about nine years ago and I have never looked back.
November 30th, 2017 09:09
In Retrospect
myself and me said:
It is wonderful you found the treasure deep inside you and let it shine.
November 30th, 2017 08:23
myself and me said:
It is wonderful you found the treasure deep inside you and let it shine.
November 30th, 2017 08:23
For When a Man
myself and me said:
Thank you for sharing. This journey could be short or long or forever.
November 30th, 2017 08:05
myself and me said:
Thank you for sharing. This journey could be short or long or forever.
November 30th, 2017 08:05
For When a Man
FredPeyer said:
Great writing, AP! It reminded me that we wear all these masks, trying to be the person we think the others expect us to be, and how liberating it is not to have to wear these masks anymore. I find that the older I get, the more I can be myself!
November 29th, 2017 13:02
FredPeyer said:
Great writing, AP! It reminded me that we wear all these masks, trying to be the person we think the others expect us to be, and how liberating it is not to have to wear these masks anymore. I find that the older I get, the more I can be myself!
November 29th, 2017 13:02
For When a Man
orchidee said:
I have lost sleep over things like this, ya know. Whether today I am \'me, myself, I, or Joe Bloggs, or whoever\'?! heehee.
November 29th, 2017 10:41
orchidee said:
I have lost sleep over things like this, ya know. Whether today I am \'me, myself, I, or Joe Bloggs, or whoever\'?! heehee.
November 29th, 2017 10:41
For When a Man
Alf W said:
A short but to the point poem which I like very much. Released from what others think of us, frees us to be ourselves for sure! So well written.
November 29th, 2017 07:29
Alf W said:
A short but to the point poem which I like very much. Released from what others think of us, frees us to be ourselves for sure! So well written.
November 29th, 2017 07:29
For When a Man
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:
Yeah true come to think of it.Ponderable muse in brief wow! Thumbs up.
Pls do review my latest and add your thoughts on it.
November 29th, 2017 05:43
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:
Yeah true come to think of it.Ponderable muse in brief wow! Thumbs up.
Pls do review my latest and add your thoughts on it.
November 29th, 2017 05:43
For When a Man
orchidee said:
Now I don\'t know, then, in view of this poem, if a Scottish poet I think it was, Robert Burns, who said \'Give us the grace to see ourselves as others see us\'.
In that case we may just be bits and pieces made up of other\'s views of us. Got headache now, with all this thinking! lol.
November 29th, 2017 04:23
orchidee said:
Now I don\'t know, then, in view of this poem, if a Scottish poet I think it was, Robert Burns, who said \'Give us the grace to see ourselves as others see us\'.
In that case we may just be bits and pieces made up of other\'s views of us. Got headache now, with all this thinking! lol.
November 29th, 2017 04:23
For When a Man
orchidee said:
Good write AP.
I may be confused within myself, if I think \'Me, Myself, and I\'. Is that three persons? And which one am I?
And furthermore, why don\'t I go back to sleep?! heehee
November 29th, 2017 04:21
orchidee said:
Good write AP.
I may be confused within myself, if I think \'Me, Myself, and I\'. Is that three persons? And which one am I?
And furthermore, why don\'t I go back to sleep?! heehee
November 29th, 2017 04:21
Old Stuff
FredPeyer said:
AP, I am with you all the way, including the look into the mirror! Great poem! I too am old school and like old stuff (including me!).
November 29th, 2017 03:19
FredPeyer said:
AP, I am with you all the way, including the look into the mirror! Great poem! I too am old school and like old stuff (including me!).
November 29th, 2017 03:19
Old Stuff
w c said:
Thanks AP! I too love \'old\' things. I simply love going through antique stores to see what treasures I can !
November 28th, 2017 18:18
w c said:
Thanks AP! I too love \'old\' things. I simply love going through antique stores to see what treasures I can !
November 28th, 2017 18:18
Old Stuff
skyebellasario said:
Great write AP! I have always loved old monuments
November 28th, 2017 17:31
skyebellasario said:
Great write AP! I have always loved old monuments
November 28th, 2017 17:31
Old Stuff
Christina8 said:
I\'m like you too, I prefer old money and coins and photographs! Really good poem! You are not crazy to like old stuff!
November 28th, 2017 12:00
Christina8 said:
I\'m like you too, I prefer old money and coins and photographs! Really good poem! You are not crazy to like old stuff!
November 28th, 2017 12:00
Old Stuff
Michael Edwards said:
With you all the way. As an artist when on holiday I want to go round the backstreets where the old buildings are, where the bins are out, where washing flaps between the bulidings, where the barns are falling apart - so much more interesting that the modern homogenised tourist areas and so much more inspiring for artwork. Great write AP.
November 28th, 2017 11:22
Michael Edwards said:
With you all the way. As an artist when on holiday I want to go round the backstreets where the old buildings are, where the bins are out, where washing flaps between the bulidings, where the barns are falling apart - so much more interesting that the modern homogenised tourist areas and so much more inspiring for artwork. Great write AP.
November 28th, 2017 11:22
Old Stuff
myself and me said:
Aged photos with yellowish color, took our memories back all the way to the lovely moment as if you were there again. They carried our life and history.
November 28th, 2017 09:04
myself and me said:
Aged photos with yellowish color, took our memories back all the way to the lovely moment as if you were there again. They carried our life and history.
November 28th, 2017 09:04
Old Stuff
Goldfinch60 said:
Super write, I too look at that old poet in the mirror every morning, he will be ok though.
November 28th, 2017 08:57
Goldfinch60 said:
Super write, I too look at that old poet in the mirror every morning, he will be ok though.
November 28th, 2017 08:57
Old Stuff
FineB said:
Hi Accidental Poet.
Like wine it gets better with age.
I am old school and a bit retro at times.
Lovely poem.
Keep writing
November 28th, 2017 05:50
FineB said:
Hi Accidental Poet.
Like wine it gets better with age.
I am old school and a bit retro at times.
Lovely poem.
Keep writing
November 28th, 2017 05:50
Hello, Me Again
Goldfinch60 said:
Good write, that muse inside you is a powerful ally.
November 28th, 2017 02:03
Goldfinch60 said:
Good write, that muse inside you is a powerful ally.
November 28th, 2017 02:03
Hello, Me Again
FredPeyer said:
I really like your poem! But I don\'t say \"Hello\", I say \"OK, Google\"....
November 27th, 2017 21:13
FredPeyer said:
I really like your poem! But I don\'t say \"Hello\", I say \"OK, Google\"....
November 27th, 2017 21:13
Hello, Me Again
Confia.En.Tu.Corazon 87 said:
AP, You\'re a very good at writing i adore that keep it up.
November 27th, 2017 16:22
Confia.En.Tu.Corazon 87 said:
AP, You\'re a very good at writing i adore that keep it up.
November 27th, 2017 16:22
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