Comments received on poems by Confia.En.Tu.Corazon 87
The Blueprint
Accidental Poet said:
I too think it interesting that your accident seems to have triggered your reviving your interest in writing poetry. And using the idea of a blueprint in relation to a life, very metaphoric. A book that uses time travel to the future and past, also very intriguing. You\'ve got my interest Confia.
November 27th, 2017 19:05
Accidental Poet said:
I too think it interesting that your accident seems to have triggered your reviving your interest in writing poetry. And using the idea of a blueprint in relation to a life, very metaphoric. A book that uses time travel to the future and past, also very intriguing. You\'ve got my interest Confia.
November 27th, 2017 19:05
The Blueprint
HOLA AMIGA ~ GRACIAS POR TU PRAIMA POEMA ~ DIRECTAMENTE DE TU CARAZON ! This is an awesome poem ~ full of energy and personality. It pulsates with rhythm because of its subject ~ \"Blueprint of a Life\" ! I like the dynamic way you have presented it as continuous urgent prose ! \"Your Moving Hand doth write ~ and having writ moves on ~ Nor all thy Piety & Wit can lure it back to cancel half a line ~ Nor all thy tears wash out a word of it ! There are some GEMS embedded in the matrix of this Poem ! \"It is her BLUEPRINT of what she has built\" \"It could go forwards and backwards ..... lots of twists and turns not many would understand !\" \"Like a maze so nifty and twined ~ her perfect escape ........ only she knows the path\" \"Her secrets ...... A vault of memories hidden .......\" \"All she knows is to push ~ push ~ push ..... like the gears to a clock \" \"Complete ...... Displayed for all to be seen ~ neatly framed with black & gold ribbon tucked away neatly in a box ~ and beneath the title will read THE BLUEPRINT\" Awesome ~ thanks for sharing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) More poems PLEASE ~ Please visit my Poems ~ Thanks B
November 27th, 2017 15:59
HOLA AMIGA ~ GRACIAS POR TU PRAIMA POEMA ~ DIRECTAMENTE DE TU CARAZON ! This is an awesome poem ~ full of energy and personality. It pulsates with rhythm because of its subject ~ \"Blueprint of a Life\" ! I like the dynamic way you have presented it as continuous urgent prose ! \"Your Moving Hand doth write ~ and having writ moves on ~ Nor all thy Piety & Wit can lure it back to cancel half a line ~ Nor all thy tears wash out a word of it ! There are some GEMS embedded in the matrix of this Poem ! \"It is her BLUEPRINT of what she has built\" \"It could go forwards and backwards ..... lots of twists and turns not many would understand !\" \"Like a maze so nifty and twined ~ her perfect escape ........ only she knows the path\" \"Her secrets ...... A vault of memories hidden .......\" \"All she knows is to push ~ push ~ push ..... like the gears to a clock \" \"Complete ...... Displayed for all to be seen ~ neatly framed with black & gold ribbon tucked away neatly in a box ~ and beneath the title will read THE BLUEPRINT\" Awesome ~ thanks for sharing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) More poems PLEASE ~ Please visit my Poems ~ Thanks B
November 27th, 2017 15:59
The Blueprint
jenncampbell said:
Your words speak on many levels. I enjoyed your peace very much! Thank you for sharing :)
November 27th, 2017 15:04
jenncampbell said:
Your words speak on many levels. I enjoyed your peace very much! Thank you for sharing :)
November 27th, 2017 15:04
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