Comments received on poems by geordienick

A Lonely Toothbrush
Caring dove said:

brilliant ! i really love this ... i love how you have used the idea of a toothbrush to describe your sadness and loneliness and your sense of missing. the pepper and the salt, the hot tap and the cold tap .. they are always side by side, aren\'t they , it really shows to me that you felt you were content by her side and it was meant to be this way , this is expressed so well and i love your reference to the shower gels etc we certainly need to be soothed and comforted in times of sadness and pain , so we do not break completely .

January 29th, 2018 07:40

A Lonely Toothbrush
Lorna said:

I love this one........ great imagination and well written! I hope you find another toothbrush that is worthy of you.

January 25th, 2018 04:48