Comments received on poems by Kris❤️

Pretty blue eyes
Caring dove said:

Sometimes we can get lost in the wrong places ..

October 30th, 2021 02:37

Falling for you
Garth Rakumakoe said:

Beautiful, simple, humble, honest. I like it. Uncomplicated.

October 30th, 2021 00:02

Little flower
Caring dove said:

I like this … makes me think of a flower feeling depressed to then feel strong and beautiful again , finding herself again maybe

A nice writing ))

October 29th, 2021 14:37

JasmineUK said:

Sorry Kris,
Your character is selfish,
Ignorant in the extreme,
It\'s difficult to sympathize,
When the consequences are seen.
The driver needs counseling,
Can\'t work for weeks,
His family suffers his nightmares,
No overtime for Christmas treats.
The sheer number of police,
That have to attend,
Picking up body pieces,
So mortuary staff can mend.
Some kind of semblance,
For the family to identify,
Try to hide the horror,
Of what will sear into the eye.
And somewhere around the corner,
Someone who doesn\'t want to die,
Is getting robbed and stabbed,
Because there\'s even less police,
Passing by.

July 26th, 2018 19:28

Rainbow said:

I like how you use alice from alive in wonderland to help describe how you are falling for this guy. very interesting

July 17th, 2018 15:38

Little flower
Eugene S. said:


April 19th, 2018 21:15

Pretty blue eyes
lottierose said:


April 15th, 2018 05:46