Comments received on poems by dohiser

An Insomniac Nightmare
SLR said:

I disagree. I\'ve been heartbroken, had my heart shattered and then ripped out. I think you\'ve captured this particular nightmare perfectly. It rips at the tattered remains beating inside my chest. You weren\'t trying to be serious but you\'ve managed it anyway.

May 12th, 2018 19:54

An Insomniac Nightmare
dusk arising said:

I agree with Lorna\'s comment about the last line, really clever.
Reading your comments i think you are beating yourself up unnecessarily. If i critique at all, i\'d just suggest trying to say it all in less lines.

May 12th, 2018 09:26

An Insomniac Nightmare
Lorna said:

An insomniac\'s dream becomes a lover\'s nightmare. That\'s an incredibly true line!

May 12th, 2018 06:00