Comments received on poems by Emmaray1024

Thank You Soldiers
dave donovan said:

The strong and the brave you need not be.
We fight so you never have to.
It is our pleasure to serve.
I just wish more could see it the way you do.
Take it from an ex member of the raf regiment.
We are there to protect your right to be the lovely person you are.
Keep it going, and thank you from
one who knows the true value of a human life.

July 4th, 2018 15:04

Lonely Hearts
DeletedAccount said:

I can relate to this so much. Feel free to pm me if u ever wana talk

July 2nd, 2018 16:02

Lonely Hearts
Saima said:

I can relate:) dont focus on other people, just try your best to find happiness

July 2nd, 2018 08:51