Comments received on poems by Sayge Hail

Loves me not
L. B. Mek said:

this is only, One: type of love
the frail, kind it seems.
but there are some love\'s
that survive, generational divides
and some love\'s
that simply, weren\'t meant to be: painfully.
the trick, is learning
from each failed love we encounter
to perfect, that art
of knowing when that connection to another
we\'re forming, is genuine - natural
and worth a gamble;
or its simply, a warped manifestation
from our desperation to escape, being alone
and born from our fear
of not finding someone to Love - US...
so first, we must insure we find that love
from within, thereby acknowledging
we do not Need - to Love, or Be - Loved
we Choose - to Love,
and so we can better choose - Who: we Love...
(looks so easy to say and write - right?
and yet, I too traverse this life
with a shattered heart, dear Poet
so I understand
if you find my comment infuriating, still
I\'m just sharing what little insight
I\'ve managed to glean, of Love)

July 2nd, 2021 04:06