Comments received on poems by Pinto

Pinto: The nightmare is not mine
L. B. Mek said:

(\'I just wrote this thing this morning.. I\'m not even a poet.\'
and who, can define what a Poet is?
(if you want to be/do anything, in life
you must be brave enough, to wear that title, way - way before, you\'ve earned it
we each \'grow\' into the \'who\' of what we want to become
\'fake it, till you make it\' in anything and everything
with humble sincerity and passion!
cos, I guarantee you, no one in this selfish world, will gift you a Title
even, after you\'ve painstakingly earned it!)
forgive my rambling words, I meant them to be a source of encouragement, nothing more..
\'How dare I try and understand
a nightmare that\'s not even mine?\'..
you have worded some insightful observations, in a manner that\'s accessible and enticing to a general reader, and
in my humble opinion
were you to edit this write a few times
you can easily, let it blossom as a poem with a genuinely unique message..
as it is, I personally found this to be a wonderful read
thank you, for choosing to share

with the words you write, firstly and importantly
for yourself,
let them guide you to any shortcomings you can work-on
you ask anyone for advise and guidance
because there are too many, vultures
that exist in this world, waiting to pounce on your vulnerability
and warp your relationship with Poetry!
Trust, in yourself - always, then approach for \'constructive criticism\' with confidence, knowing exactly what you want
\'and ignore all the other BS, people will try to utilise to stifle your ambition\'
also try and read, other poetic works - a lot
so that you can find
and zero-in, to what it is: you actually - like, first and foremost. So you have a shot at \'excavating that unique voice\' from within
\'good luck! dear poet\')

September 13th, 2021 06:07