Comments received on poems by OllyPlease

Compulsive Engagement
L. B. Mek said:

if this is your first ever, creative write
then I don\'t doubt it will be, you
whose feedback will be prized, very soon
dear Punk poet
(ignore the negativity
of those who assume, Poetry
is merely
an extension of their, dear Diary
a fine write! thanks for sharing,
stay loose and free
with your creativity

November 18th, 2021 04:38

Compulsive Engagement
Doggerel Dave said:

I have at present no view of you or your work. There\'s nothing of you on your public profile, Your first effort really doesn\'t say much about you either. If you are going to use your \'life as a pen and experiences\' whatever that quite means - then let\'s see more of you.

In the meantime, Welcome to MPS.

November 18th, 2021 00:06