Comments received on poems by crystalgreen223

My Battle with depression
ProfessionalPaperDigester said:

That feeling of being empty space and wasted skin has haunted me for years, and I never considered it depression because I was mostly a happy person. Now. its not just being sad for me, but being sad very fast after overthinking something. Depression or not, you don\'t need illness to feel like a piece of shit. Keep fighting my friend, because it\'s worse when your guard is down.

February 24th, 2022 04:50

My Battle with depression
L. B. Mek said:

relatable and inspirational words for those who choose to fight their way out, even
if \'fighting\' resembles acceptance of realisation
that \'normalcy\' is as much, \'an ideal\'
as our certainty\'s in life....
keep fighting, thanks for sharing

February 24th, 2022 04:40

My Battle with depression
Crowns4Christ said:

I know exactly what you mean,it feels as if you are completely alone and you have no where to turn for help.
Nobody can understand how you\'re feeling unless they experience depression themselves.what really helps m through it is God,if you put your trust into God and lay your troubles at His feet,he will help has almost been completely healed my friend

February 23rd, 2022 22:47

My Battle with depression
Ok Waleed said:


February 23rd, 2022 22:08