Comments received on poems by mac.05

L. B. Mek said:

\'in my humble opinion\'
what matters most
is that You
don\'t ignore that reflection
in the mirror...
that You
learn to appreciate and comfort
those broken pieces
looking back at you
with valid questions..
see, the Ignorance of other\'s
is only every relevant
if it\'s hammering home
our own self-sabotaging, reliance
on their opinions and attention..
before, we begin
to look for help from others
we must do our best
to pick those nails and shards
of hurt
from within our heart\'s..
that way, if we find a pariah
of a saviour, blockading our path
to survival
we have a chance at withstanding
the additional pain
they\'re going to try and inflict
upon us..
so, before all else
we must learn: to never Ignore
and hide, from ourselves..
(I wish you all the best
stay strong! dear poet)
thanks for sharing

March 10th, 2022 04:42

Ivy Madara said:

And that\'s when you know the difference between sugar and salt. If they care for you, they never ignore.

Gripping piece by the way!

March 10th, 2022 00:14