Comments received on poems by myblue48

How can you?
L. B. Mek said:

(Please forgive me
for my opportunistic, appropriation
of your comment section
to make my feeble, political statements
dear poet...
I couldn\'t stop myself
so sorry for my rudeness..
thank you! for sharing, such a wonderfully sincere poem)
yes, indeed
I like how you exemplify, all the complexity\'s
in a human being, that just happens
to be female
recently, I tried to bring it someone\'s attention
how derogatory, the term SIMP
was to woman
(an acronym for Sucker/Sucka Idolizing Mediocre Pussy)
and how by that, definition
the word degrades all woman
to be acknowledged/identified
by that one sexual organ...
so, that\'s our mothers, daughters, sisters etc
all reduced, to this one objectification
of their worth...
in the year 2022, that\'s our reality...
but when I read, insightful words like yours
my despair at society\'s, endless idiocy
is appeased, even for a while..
for as long as their are people like you
wording woman, as imperfectly beautiful
human beings
more, than mere objects to be sexualised
then, at least there\'s is hope
that all of humanity:
non binary, female, male or other
may one day
find, wisdom enough to heal
each other...
until then, we do what we can and persevere!

April 4th, 2022 04:09