Comments received on poems by Alvgo

My maze
L. B. Mek said:

(the only way, our defeat\'s
in life
can actually - defeat, us
is when we surrender and stop
fighting, its sinister ill-intent...
accepting it, as some warped
of inevitably, in our everyday reality
when in actuality..
the difference, between
to have someone catch you
and change your trajectory of life..
and falling, flat on our face
and finding that, striking warm handed - nurse
to fuel our stuttering heart\'s, resurgence..
is a mere coin flip of fated, chance
in that same reality
we deem so hollow and broodingly
stay strong,
\'fight, for this ephemeral gifted life
you\'ve been awarded, by
that same chance
for the biggest wonder
you\'ll ever encounter
in your life
is the very fact, that
You, are alive
and experiencing, existence
to trillions of yearning, sperms
every second..!\'

April 25th, 2022 05:13