Comments received on poems by gottafindmywings

L. B. Mek said:

I\'m sorry for what you\'re struggling through
if it is based on reality
it seems like addiction, caused
by some form of ptsd
from a traumatic experience
you\'ve still not addressed directly..
sadly, until you do
it will only become an even tighter
knot, to unravel later..
\'It\'s watching you laugh, as if you never did anything wrong.\'
the indifference, people\'s
conceited obviousness
affords them, is when we witness
humanity\'s capacity for insidious malevolence..
(stay strong, dear poet
I that hope expressing your battle in words, helps
don\'t wait too long, to try and find
a more permanent solution..
please, don\'t let one incident or person
taint the rest of your life!)
thanks for sharing

April 29th, 2022 04:12