Comments received on poems by Atlas

Soman Ragavan said:

Poem “Untouched” by Atlas
Analysis Part 6 by Soman Ragavan
Every word I carefully weave, souls it does ignite,
A masterpiece, a true work, a pure and wondrous sight.
Poetry is complex. It is the most difficult form of writing, but it comes naturally to the poet. It is a process of permanent sieving, selection of words and expressions. Thus, the poet carefully fashions his writings, his compositions. “I carefully weave….” My writings will touch souls near and far. “souls it does ignite…” I believe in my compositions, even if other do not. They are true in my mind; they are pure and full of wonder.
Hudson says : \"The true poet, whatever his range and quality, is one in whom the power of seeing and feeling the sensuous beauty and spiritual meaning of things exists in a pre-eminent degree, and to whom, moreover, another special power has been granted --- the power of so expressing and interpreting what he sees and feels to quicken our imaginations and sympathies, and to make us see and feel with him.\" Dr. C. Paul Verghese : \"ADVANCED LEVEL GENERAL PAPER.\" Singapore : Fairfield Book Publishers Pte. Ltd., 1988. (In particular, pages 59, 62-64, 67-72 and 328).
Soman Ragavan. 16 June, 2023.

June 15th, 2023 22:04

Soman Ragavan said:

Poem “Untouched” by Atlas
Analysis Part 5 by Soman Ragavan
Oh, how my heart yearns, passion\'s depths untold,
Within this verse, love\'s mysteries unfold.
My heart keeps on hoping for new days that will bring success and happiness. We were born with passions that need to be attended to. We did not ask for all this. We were made this way. It is not our fault if we be driven by passions. After all, passions are a natural part of the human being. Indeed, it is something to be found in all living species. The poet has no choice but to fall back on poetry, the medium in which he expounds his feelings. In poetry, he also sings the mysteries of love. Soman Ragavan. 16 June, 2023.

June 15th, 2023 22:04

Soman Ragavan said:

Poem “Untouched” by Atlas
Analysis Part 4 by Soman Ragavan
Once captivated by stars\' glow, their brilliance drew me near,
But in the nighttime\'s tapestry, I found comfort in darkness clear.
There was a time when I was captivated by the stars and their mystery. I was drawn by their brightness and twinkling. But, occasionally I have to take refuge in darkness again. For, the hopes that I have in the stars do not get realized. Thus, I swing from stars to darkness. What a sorry life… Soman Ragavan. 16 June, 2023.

June 15th, 2023 22:04

Soman Ragavan said:

Poem “Untouched” by Atlas
Analysis Part 3 by Soman Ragavan
Opening dreams\' windows, doors shut tight and cold,
Longing for dawn\'s arrival, for destiny\'s story to unfold.
Dreams turn into jails that tie us down even more. We need to break free from this jail. We have to open the windows of this jail to get out, to achieve something. The doors are “shut tight,” coldly towards our feelings. We have to open these doors. Night can bring solace and quietness, but can also be maddening. Excess solitude is maddening and messes up our mind. From the unbearable night, we long for dawn. Dawn always brings with it hopes of a new day, new beginnings, new hopes that we will achieve that for which we are struggling. We keep hoping that somewhere in our destiny, there must be success, happiness. We want that success to unfold. Though we might fail in this every day, we do not give up hope. For it is hope that keeps us going. When hope ends, everything ends. Soman Ragavan. 16 June, 2023.

June 15th, 2023 22:03

Soman Ragavan said:

Poem “Untouched” by Atlas
Analysis Part 2 by Soman Ragavan
Fires burn, yet warmth eludes
Finding solace in solitude, a void that won\'t erase.
Fires are supposed to bring warmth, yet these fires don’t do so. The author still feels cold, left out. He does not get the warmth he is looking for. For failing to obtain what he is looking for, he has no choice but to go back to solitude, that solitude that form so much part of his life. Solitude is the one companion that remains with him for a long time. In solitude he finds solace. Though solitude can be maddening, it is also something into which one can take refuge from the greater madness or sorrow reigning elsewhere. From frustration comes a void, a void that one finds impossible or difficult to get rid of. Soman Ragavan. 16 June, 2023.

June 15th, 2023 22:03

Soman Ragavan said:

Poem “Untouched” by Atlas
Analysis Part 1 by Soman Ragavan
Mirrors look into empty eyes, a place left untouched,
Under the orange sky, where whispers hide so much.
The author is looking into the mirror and the mirror looks back (it reflects what it sees). The mirror sees “empty eyes.” Thus, this is what the mirror detects from what is in front of it : a person who feels lost, in despair. “A place left untouched” : someone who wants to be completed, but is not getting anywhere. “Under the orange sky” : why orange ? Is the current sky portraying the author’s feelings ?... What should one conclude from the “orange sky” ?
“Where whispers hide so much” : whispers give messages but arouse more questions than the answers they bring. Even in whispers we do not say all that we feel; we filter, we sieve, we censor our thoughts and feelings. The whispers need to be interpreted, sorted out and dissected. Soman Ragavan. 16 June, 2023.

June 15th, 2023 22:03

Silent Lover
L. B. Mek said:

I really commend your artistic effort
a wonderful blend of modernism\'s
and almost Shakespearean, romance
in your chosen poetic flow and wording..
indeed, unrequited or rather
unconfessed love, is a heavy burden
to carry with us in life
that niggling, \'what if\' of regret
stays with us for a long time
and since you\'re still writing
of corridors, maybe
its not too late
on that last day, maybe write
something lovely
like these words you\'ve shared
and slip it into her/his/other
pocket or bag
insure you sign your name
and although it may not change
a damn thing
trust me, decades later
when you reminisce
or randomly remember
you\'ll feel better for having
placed your bet
upon that roulette of fate..
(or I\'m completely wrong
still, your call - flip a coin)

August 11th, 2022 02:20