Comments received on poems by _Daisy

L. B. Mek said:

(a wonderful analogy
really well written and its brevity
so so deep, for those willing
to dive within your subtle, metaphors
and excavate the wisdom, within..
thanks for sharing and inspiring
my little scribbled reply)
indeed, I imagine that\'s a stressful responsibility
for those that apply themselves with integrity..
also, it\'s a very brave position
to place yourself
since, there are so many deserted
that never see a lifeguard
as in, just like
on land
where there are so many, lover\'s
bereft of love
and kind souls, denied
that warmth of friendship...
this, reminds me
we must All, be grateful
for whatever gifts we\'re afforded
on our stormy, seafronts
of life...!

June 2nd, 2022 03:14

dark_aura0_0 said:

I never thought about how stressful it must be to be a lifeguard. If someone were to die, people would automatically blame the lifeguard for not doing their job properly.

June 1st, 2022 19:29

once mine.
L. B. Mek said:

\'You don\'t want that.
You don\'t want that attachment.
Those feelings. \'
(quotation marks may make it easier
for readers to distinguish this stanza
as being an internal dialogue
with yourself?
just a thought, the \'Me\'
may be enough, so I may be
way off the mark
forgive me if you find my suggestion rude)
thanks for sharing, a really well written piece

May 19th, 2022 04:14

once mine.
Caring dove said:

Sad writing .. nicely expressed

May 18th, 2022 18:50