Comments received on poems by cdwindar

L. B. Mek said:

I\'m too lacking a person
to offer you anything original
or meaningfully, tangible
but here, imbued
in these words is the best I can offer you:
\'I\'m so sorry for your loss
I can\'t fathom, surviving
that level of tragic, devastation\'
\'I laud, your bravery!\'
and lastly
I wish you Peace, dear poet
and all the kindness, Fate
has to give
stay Blessed, shine Bright
shed a path for those, lost
in that tunnel
you know, too well..
write Bold, write Loud
and make your child Proud
as these words you\'ve shared
must surely make him
they reach him
he may be resting
in peace.

June 14th, 2022 03:32