Comments received on poems by Cate

L. B. Mek said:

hate me, just
like Cat lovers..
(but that\'s my fault)
but still
I can\'t deny, their beauty
from that Graceful lioness
to those scurrying, neighbourhood
lethargically disdaining, gangsters..
and kittens (& puppies)
is why, Life
is worth
fighting for!
\'in my humble opinion\'
(a lovely read, thanks for sharing)

June 30th, 2022 04:40

orchidee said:

Ahh, yes, lovely. Who cannot like cats - or dogs?!

June 30th, 2022 02:06

Caring dove said:

Cats are beautiful .. a lovely poem ))

June 30th, 2022 02:06

ela said:

Your love for cats really comes through in the words of your poem. I especially like the line\' \"eyes bigger than marbles, my eyes fonder than stars,\"

June 29th, 2022 23:30

Jaxxie said:

As a cat owner, I very much liked this poem.

June 29th, 2022 22:00