Comments received on poems by P A Noushad

A question
L. B. Mek said:

zero, has HUGE value
it\'s dependant on the Question
and Perspective, as always
(for example, here\'s a zero
that\'s immeasurable in worth..:
what\'s the total, death toll
at that latest, mass shooting
(how many
days, has it been
since you last visited
your grandmother?
its been, Zero
days, since I popped-in
to say hi, just yesterday
(what\'s the distance
between friendship and romance
in couples?
a single, step
to close that gap and ignite
physical chemistry\'s
intoxicating connection
to curate an atmosphere
of Zero, distance
between, two reciprocating
racing hearts..)
Zero has Huge value
just, like your poetry
thanks for sharing, dear poet
\'I wish you, Zero
worries and struggles
in your everyday
enough leisure of Time
to appreciate, your gifts
in life!\'

July 7th, 2022 03:30