Comments received on poems by icablock28

Benefits of Tearjerkers
L. B. Mek said:

(so, erm
your Poetry is just awesome
its depths, endless
your acute insight\'s, illuminatingly luminous
and the sincerity of your despair
so, so relatable..
I\'m in awe, of your - far superior
poetic talent, dear poet
hope you find a path, in life
to make the world listen
to your wisdom
wish you, all the success
that you aspire for
thank you for choosing to share..!)
\'Reminds me of reoccurring dreams that resemble Stephen King horror flicks,
I’m in a supermarket locked inside with the Buffalo shooter, outside is The Mist,
Elder said the red clay come from all the blood soaked,
From those on their native soil that got poached,
Self-medicating in the form of dive bar blackouts,
Part-time vilginate pointing binoculars at a trap house,
Watchful from those Secret Windows, dissension is their motives,
Happy endings have a quota,
Took the scenic route to a dead end,
Millennial crusaders, technology stifled the adventurous ,\'

July 18th, 2022 03:27

Benefits of Tearjerkers
lalalaEulalie said:

I don\'t think I truly understand, but this, you described, is a sad, sad world. Beautiful poem, nonetheless.

July 17th, 2022 17:11