Comments received on poems by [email protected]

[email protected] said:

thank you, LB!

July 25th, 2022 07:47

L. B. Mek said:

\'Examining long, straggling roots
Which had been so tightly pressed
How delicate they are\'..
what a profound wording
of the twisted, macho bul sht
that most men
harbour deep within
fuelling all their impotent, rage..
they express, nothing
and so never
learn to deal with anything
and so the descending cycle
continues, one
wasted generation after the next..
(thanks for sharing!
I gravitate to your tender kindness
its such a rare trait in modernity
but, remember to protect yourself
don\'t let the unworthy, waste
your generosity, share yourself
and insure, you receive a return
for what you offer willingly)

July 25th, 2022 03:23