Comments received on poems by KofiKrafts

Relationships with alcohol
a__pott said:

Alcohol is a demon I fight a little more than I ever planned, a good poem! I don\'t get why people drink, yet I find every excuse to. So maybe I do get it. keep writing :)

August 2nd, 2022 10:33

Relationships with alcohol
lane_summers said:

Love the rawness of this. Like others have said- the honesty is refreshing.

August 2nd, 2022 09:10

Relationships with alcohol
L. B. Mek said:

to contemplate reasoning
ahead of causality
misses that most essential of points
that, so many
carry out the same activities
of an addict, without
getting addicted or abusing themselves
by over indulging..
to begin with, did you know
in the usa
some drugs were legal, before
during and after
the constitution\'s were written
and alcohol, was regarded as the most dangerous
centuries later, and its alcohol
that\'s promoted, legal and accepted
as a cultural mainstay..
where as those, less addictive and lethal drugs
have become illegal...
this, is at the core
of modernity\'s warped relationship
with alcohol..
above all else, its now become
a method of control:
a one cup solution to all our problems
in life..
had a bad day: Drink
had a good day: Drink
at a funeral, gotta Drink to get through it
at a wedding, gotta Drink to get through it...
some, drink a cup
sip it gently, like the poison it is..
funnel it down, to reach that escape they think
they so need..
(forgive me
but your topic is too important
and my overzealous nature
couldn\'t just ignore it
and the insidious reasons
as to why
its a pandemic problem
in our world, that\'s claimed
a thousand times
the most ambitious death figures
for covid, and yet
at your local corner shop
there it waits, a glistening shiny bottle
waiting to claim its next victim...)
a great write, an important write!
thanks for sharing

August 2nd, 2022 04:19

Relationships with alcohol
Tristan Robert Lange said:

Your poem is brilliantly honest and, if you don\'t drink, I envy you. Not that I am out of control or any thing (says everyone ever...LOL), but if I could go back and NEVER try that vice...along with tobacco...I would! Ignorance sometimes is TRULY bliss! LOL! Again, a brilliant poem that hit me where it counts! Thank you!

August 1st, 2022 23:48

Relationships with alcohol
KofiKrafts said:

Ohh thanks didn’t realise the title was wrong hope you found a new perspective

August 1st, 2022 18:12

Relationships with alcohol
James Michael said:

It is a slippery slope, indeed! Very well written. Welcome to this mostly friendly site.

Possibly just Relationship in the title, or Relationships.

August 1st, 2022 17:56