Comments received on poems by Ensey0hfive

Dimly lit whispers
Ensey0hfive said:

Thanks so much for the wonderful feedback! Im glad you noted my focus on flow in this poem :) thats what i was aiming for

August 19th, 2022 10:52

Dimly lit whispers
L. B. Mek said:

wonderful imagery, you have a great poetic feel for highlighting
your poetry\'s flow
knowing when to embellish and when to leave alone
(like in this middle stanza, below)
\'illuminating what I thought I knew
what I saw through my cold view

amber breath,
ember sparks
all their brains are numb

Don’t look don’t see
with lights flickering,
and whirling breath \'
thanks for sharing, a great read!

August 19th, 2022 03:57