Comments received on poems by EzraDoesArtStuff

go ahead
L. B. Mek said:

what is love?
how do we distinguish it from pride\'s fog?
do we convince ourselves, or are the actions we received what enslaves us?
billions of others in the world, thousands we pass-by every week
and yet we harbour that notion
where only \'one\' person is a fit for us
while changing between snug-fitting shoes, daily...?!
it\'s never a crime to love
it only becomes a crime, when we sell ourselves
\'love thy self\' so as to be able
\'to love another\',
be trodden-on by others
when we think ourselves, unworthy
of love...
if you deserve better
emancipate yourself and strive
for that better!
I wish you the best, dear poet

November 7th, 2022 06:08