Comments received on poems by merin96

L. B. Mek said:

\'You may exist in a different timeline compared to your friends,\'

\'Loosing bits and pieces that you have always held close\'

\'Striving to hold a patch of cloud in your heart.\'
forgive me dear Poet, I couldn\'t help
scribble a few words as reply
to express what your words
inspired in me, thank you!
(Some poetry is purposed
to transport us and have us
above linguistic or imagery\'s
creative clouds
then, some poetry
our arrow impeded ankles
\'like Achiles\'
in our quicksand\'s or bequeathed circumstances
of fate
reawakening those bruises, we strive
to keep suppressed, deep within
and in reading
our most hidden truth\'s, being poetically
expressed and distilled
to resonate with us so accessibly
comforts us and offers us
that seed of inspiration
to question:
if we\'re not the only ones sharing
this accursed
trials and tribulations in life
there\'s a path, a window of opportunity
for us, too
to survive and someday
ink something, by deed or word
that others may relate to, so instinctively
and thus, our life\'s story
may make that Ulysses
\'metempsychosis\' dream
a reality, as a mantra
for realising the Phoenix potential
we all harbour
to reinvent ourselves and curate
what happy-ever-after
we may be afforded by fate..)

October 31st, 2022 04:47